The best way to get answers is to ask questions! Ask questions on Piazza rather than emailing your teaching staff so everyone can benefit from the response (and so you can get answers from classmates who are up as late as you are).
Usage tip: Search assignment and piazza first. If there is a similar question, it is best to post a follow-up instead of a brand new question. This means less duplicates and better more complete discussions.Think of Piazza as a Q&A wiki for your class. Every question has just a single students' answer that students can edit collectively (and a single instructors? answer for instructors).
Usage tip: Don't be afraid to edit a classmates response if you find a mistake. Instructors and TA will make similare edits as necessary.
To comment on or ask further questions about a post, start a followup discussion. Mark it resolved when the issue has been addressed.
Usage tip: Follow-up posts help keep all discussion about that topic in one place (called a thread). Be sure to also add any relevant information back into the Q&A above.
Shy? No problem. You can always opt to post or edit anonymously. Instructors can still see your name.
It's far more convenient to find all posts about your Assignment 1 or Project when the posts are tagged. Type a hash tag or pound symbol (#) before a key word to tag. Click a blue tag in a post or the question feed to filter for all posts that share that tag.
Click the code button in the question editor to add pre-formatted text. Pre-formatted text preserves your indents and spacing and makes your code easier for all to read.
this is in a code block
Click the Fx button to access Piazza's built-in LaTeX editor. This editor will build the LaTex code to display equations as you expect.
For example, to create a super-script (exponent), the equation builder will create this LaTex code.
Contact the Piazza Team anytime with questions or comments at