Nips split - Now The Truth Can Be Told

Source: NME
Date: March 15, 1980
Author: Adrian Thrills
Copywrite: © NME 1980
Photo: by Andy Calvert. Caption: "Wot us? Lie? Give us a break."

NOW WASH out those lacerated earlobes with soap and water and hear this! The story on the news pages of last week's NME regarding the untimely demise of that fab gear pop combo The Nips was a trifle disingenuous.

In reporting the split of the band fronted by Camden's legendary punk Shane O'Hooligan, we quoted a statement alleging dissatisfaction with zilch record company promotion as the prime reason behind the break-up.

This was, er, not strictly true, the real reason for the split being good old fashioned musical and personal differences: in other words, the band hated each other all along, not to mention the music they were playing.

Matters came to a head at a recent gig at Billy's Club in London's Dean Street when guitarist Blondie Douglas, after ceremoniously trashing his axe, announced that he was quitting. Shane retorted by saying that he, too, had had enough at which bassist Shanne Bradley also handed in her notice, leaving just drummer Mark who didn't much fancy carrying the standard single-handed and left to join another band.

"We were just sick of each other and I hated the music The Nips were playing," says Shanne. "Shane and I just weren't communicating. We were just beating each other up all the time."

But things are not as bad as they at first seem. The band were due to re-unite on Monday night for a farewell gig at the Rock Garden and Shane, self-styled King Of The Bop and veteran of chewed-earlobe-at-Clash-gig fame has plans to form a new band.