Songs of The Best of Sajda

Warning: These indexes are often incomplete and do not represent all the songs in the ITRANS Song Book. In other words, there might be songs in the ISB that should have been in this list, but are not, because of missing information. The listing by Song Titles contains all the songs.

Click on ASCII to get lyrics of the corresponding song in ASCII (fastest), or on Devnagri to get the lyrics in Devnagri font (slower). If you have the Xdvng Font then click on the Jtrans to get the lyrics in Devnagri font (faster). A Xxxxxx indicates that the corresponding song is not available in the Xdvng font.

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ASCII Devnagri Jtrans dhuuaa.N banake fizaa ne u.Daa diyaa mujhako [#1140]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans dhuup me.n nikalo ghaTaao.n me.n nahaakar dekho [#1141]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans dil me.n ab dard-e-muhabbat ke sivaa kuchh bhI nahii.n ##Gazal## [#1247]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans Gam kA khazaanaa terA bhI hai meraa bhI [#1139]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans har taraf har jagah beshumaar aadamii#### [#1246]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans jo bhI buraa bhalaa hai, allaah jaanataa hai [#1180]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans kisako qaatil mai.n kahuu.n kisako masihaa samajhuu.n [#1163]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans mausam ko ishaaro.n se bulaa kyo.n nahii.n lete #### [#1189]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans merI tasviir mai.n kisii aur kA to nahii.n [#1181]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans milii havaao.n me.n u.Dane kii vo sazaa yaaro.n#### [#1190]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans o dard se meraa daaman bhar de, yA allaah #### [#1245]
ASCII Devnagri Jtrans tere jalave ab mujhe harasuu nazar aane lage [#1162]

This site is maintained by Navin Kabra. Please send comments and suggestions to
The ITRANS Song Book is maintained by Anurag Shankar and a team of volunteers. Please send new songs, corrections etc to .