


Vinyard CJ, and Payseur BA. Of “mice” and mammals: Utilizing classical inbred mice to study the genetic architecture of organismal-level function and performance in mammals. Integrative and Comparative Biology doi:10.1093/icb/icn063. [pdf]



Payseur BA, Place M, Weber JL. Linkage Disequilibrium between STRPs and SNPs across the Human Genome. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 82:1039-1050. [pdf] & [STRP Genotypes]


Journal of Genetics

Dumont BL, Payseur BA. Evolution of the genomic recombination rate in mammals. Evolution 62(2):276-294. [pdf]



Teeter KC, Payseur BA, Harris LW, Bakewell M, Thibodeau LM, O'Brien JE, Krenz JG, Sans-Fuentes MA, Nachman MW, Tucker PT. Genome-wide patterns of gene flow across a house mouse hybrid zone. Genome Research 18(1):67-76. [pdf]



Williamson SH, Hubisz MJ, Clark AG, Payseur BA, Bustamante CD, Nielsen R. Localizing recent adaptive evolution in the human genome. PLoS Genetics 3:e90. [pdf]



Payseur BA, and Place M. Searching the genomes of inbred mouse strains for incompatibilities that separate their wild relatives. Journal of Heredity 98:115-122. [pdf]



Payseur BA, and Place M. Prospects for association mapping in classical inbred strains of mice. Genetics 175:1999-2008. [pdf]



Payseur BA, Clark AG, Hixson J, Boerwinkle E, and Sing CF. Contrasting multi-site genotypic distributions among discordant quantitative phenotypes: the APOA1/C3/A4/A5 gene cluster and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Genetic Epidemiology 30:508-518. [pdf]



Payseur BA, and Cutter AD. Integrating patterns of polymorphism at SNPs and STRs. Trends in Genetics 22:424-429. [pdf]



Payseur BA, and Hoekstra HE. Signatures of reproductive isolation in patterns of single nucleotide diversity across inbred strains of house mice. Genetics 171:1905-1916. [pdf]


Molecular Biology and Evolution

Payseur BA, and Nachman MW. The genomics of speciation: investigating the molecular correlates of X chromosome introgression across the hybrid zone between Mus domesticus and Mus musculus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84:523-534.



Payseur BA, Krenz JG, and Nachman MW. Differential patterns of introgression across the X chromosome in a hybrid zone between two species of house mice. Evolution 58:2064-2078. [pdf]



Storz JF, Payseur BA, and Nachman MW. Genome scans of DNA variability in humans reveal evidence of selective sweeps outside of Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21:1800-1811. [pdf]



Jensen-Seaman MI, Furey TS, Payseur BA, Lu Y, Roskin KM, Chen C-F, Thomas MA, Haussler D, and Jacob HJ. Comparative recombination rates in the rat, mouse, and human genomes. Genome Research 14:528-538. [pdf]


Trends in Genetics

Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium. Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428:493-521. [pdf]



Cutter AD, Payseur BA, Salcedo T, Estes AM, Good JM, Wood E, Hartl T, Maughan H, Strempel J, Wang B, Bryan AC, Dellos M. Molecular correlates of genes exhibiting RNAi phenotypes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genome Research 13:2651-2657. [pdf]



Cutter AD, Payseur BA. Rates of deleterious mutation and the evolution of sex in Caenorhabditis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16:812-822. [pdf]



Cutter AD, Payseur BA. Selection at linked sites in the partial selfer Caenorhabditis elegans. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20:665-673. [pdf]



Payseur BA, Nachman MW. Natural selection at linked sites in humans. Gene 30:31-42. [pdf]



Payseur BA, Cutter AD, Nachman MW. Searching for evidence of positive selection in the human genome using patterns of microsatellite variability. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19:1143-1153. [pdf]



Payseur BA, Nachman MW. Gene density and human nucleotide polymorphism. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19:336-340. [pdf]



Yoder AD, Irwin JA, Payseur BA. Failure of the ILD to determine data combinability for slow loris phylogeny. Systematic Biology 50:408-424.



Payseur BA, Nachman MW. Microsatellite variation and recombination rate in the human genome. Genetics 156:1285-1298. [pdf]



Payseur BA, Covert HH, Vinyard CJ, Dagosto M. New body mass estimates for Omomys carteri, a middle Eocene primate from North America. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 109:41-52. [pdf]



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