This page contains data for various cases organized
by . Please select your area of interest:
Gamma Knife
These intensity maps were generated using corvus version 4.0. The maps are grouped by the location of tumor within the patient. Each zip file contains levels 5, 10 and 100 for all given angles.
These intensity maps were generated using corvus version 5.0. The maps are grouped by the location of tumor within the patient. Each zip file contains levels 5, 10 and 100 for all given angles.
Gamma Knife
These intensity maps were generated using corvus version 4.0. The maps are grouped by the location of tumor within the patient. Each zip file contains levels 5, 10 and 100 for all given angles.
These intensity maps were generated using corvus version 5.0. The maps are grouped by the location of tumor within the patient. Each zip file contains levels 5, 10 and 100 for all given angles.