This page contains links to pages concerning radiation treatment.
RCET: Resource Center for Emerging Technologies (RCET) RCET provides resources to facilitate the conduct of NCI sponsored advanced technology radiation therapy clinical trials while maintaining patient confidentiality.
ATC: Advanced Technology Consortium (ATC) serves as an educational and developmental resource to the nation’s clinical trial cooperative groups and participating institutions for support of advanced technology radiation therapy clinical trials.
CERR: Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR) is a software platform for developing and sharing research results in radiation therapy treatment planning.
Cancer diagnosis/prognosis at University of Wisconsin-Madison with Olvi Mangasarian.
RCET: Resource Center for Emerging Technologies (RCET) RCET provides resources to facilitate the conduct of NCI sponsored advanced technology radiation therapy clinical trials while maintaining patient confidentiality.
ATC: Advanced Technology Consortium (ATC) serves as an educational and developmental resource to the nation’s clinical trial cooperative groups and participating institutions for support of advanced technology radiation therapy clinical trials.
CERR: Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR) is a software platform for developing and sharing research results in radiation therapy treatment planning.
Cancer diagnosis/prognosis at University of Wisconsin-Madison with Olvi Mangasarian.