Sink syncs your chat histories that you have on different computers. It also does simple maintenance work such as deleting system messages and reformat file names.
Sink 讓您可以同步不同電腦上所儲存的聊天記錄,他也可以幫您清除系統訊息記錄及重新命名記錄檔的簡單維護功能。
How To Use 如何使用:
This page shows you how to use Sink.
此連結告訴您如何使用 Sink
To Do 未來計畫:
- Be able to read ~/ type path ( possible? )
- Progress Bar
- Have better interface
- Have a better site and support page
- Show Log
- Have an icon
- Sink MSN history
- 可使用 ~/ 的路徑
- 完成度顯示
- 好一點的界面
- 好一點的技術幫助與網頁
- 顯示同步記錄
- 圖像
- 同步 MSN 記錄
Known Bug 已知臭蟲:
Cocoa's FileManager does not preserve the creation and modification dates when copying, so I do this by hand. But when I copy the file attribute from the original file, the creation date comes the same as the modification date. What's up Apple? So now after sinking, the creation date will be the same as modification date.
Cocoa 的 FileManager 在做拷貝檔案動作的時候無法保留製作及修改日期等資料,且當我以手動的方式拷貝原檔案的 file attribute ,製作日期會變成修改日期。這 ... 怎麼回事阿,蘋果?所以如現在檔案製作日期在同步後會與修改日期相同。
Release Hisotry 更新紀錄:
05 . 28 . 2004
This is the first release.