# Recommendation
📗 If you decide that you would like me to write the recommendation letters for graduate school applications, please email me a copy of your application statement (personal statement), resume (cv), transcript, and a list of schools and programs you are applying to, similar to this file:
CSV (the first column is "a, b, c, ...", the second column contains full names of the schools, e.g. "University of Wisconsin Madison" instead of "UW Madison", the third column contains the full names of the programs, e.g. "Master of Science in Computer Science" instead of "MS in CS", and the last column contains unique identifiers, 2 to 4 capital letters, of each school and program).
📗 When submitting recommendation requests, please try to make all requests at the same time at least two weeks before the first application deadline. You can use the following information:
➩ First name: Young
➩ Last name: Wu
➩ Prefix: Dr.
➩ Organization: University of Wisconsin - Madison
➩ Department: Computer Science
➩ Position/Title: Teaching Faculty
➩ Phone: 6089991699
➩ Address: Room 7382, 1210 W Dayton Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
➩ Email: yw@cs.wisc.edu
➩ How long have you known the applicant? (round up to integer years)
➩ Relationship to applicant: Course instructor or research or teaching assistant supervisor. (use "teaching assistant" instead of "peer mentor")
# Suggestions
➩ If you have taken CS298 or CS698 or CS699 with me (or Professor Jerry Zhu), I will be able to write about your research skills, which is the most important for graduate school applications.
➩ If you have worked as my peer mentor (any course), I will be able to write about your teaching skills, which is also important for graduate school applications.
➩ If you have only taken my CS559 or CS540: if you have completed a research project in the course, I could comment on your research skills; but if not, it might be better to get the recommendation letters from someone who has supervised your research or teaching.
➩ If you have only taken my CS320 or CS368: it would be better to get the recommendation letters from someone who has supervised your research or teaching.
# Details
📗 If you want me to rate or comment on the following items, please send me a research project report you have done related to machine learning (even if you took my graphics or programming courses).
➩ Research ability
➩ Written communication
➩ Creativity and originality
📗 If you want me to rate or comment on the following items, please schedule a meeting with me before sending out the recommendation requests.
➩ Oral communication
➩ Interpersonal skills
📗 I can rate or comment on the following items if you have worked on a research project (CS298 or CS698 or CS699) with me.
➩ Research ability
➩ Leadership skills
➩ Reliability
📗 I can rate or comment on the following items if you have worked as a peer mentor or teaching assistant for my course.
➩ Teaching skills
➩ Professionalism
➩ Reliability
📗 I do not need additional materials for the following items, but you can consider including these in your application (personal) statements.
➩ Motivation
➩ Analytical skills
➩ Intellectual capacity
Last Updated: February 18, 2025 at 9:50 PM