Barton P. Miller
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor
Amar & Balinder Sohi Professor in Computer Sciences
Distinguished Lecturer, Ben Gurion University, Bersheva, Israel, November 2016.
Distinguished Lecturer, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, June 2011.
Keynote Speaker,
Workshop on Large-scale Systems and Applications Performance,
Chicago, June 2010.
Plenary Speaker, 28th Open Grid Forum (OGF28),
Munich, German, March 2010.
Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University,
Be’er Sheva, Israel, January 2008.
Distinguished Lecturer, Georgia Tech College of Computing,
Atlanta, April 2007.
Distinguished Lecturer, Triangle Computer Science Lecture Series
(joint seminar of the University of North Carolina, North Carolina State
University, and Duke University),
Raleigh, October 2006.
Plenary Speaker, Symposium on Advanced Computing Systems and Infrastructures,
Tsukuba, Japan, May 2005
Distinguished Lecturer, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, December 2004.
Distinguished Lecturer, Iowa State University, Electrical Engineering Department, May 2002.
Boards and Advisory Committees
DHS Application Security Threat Attack Modeling (ASTAM) project,
Advisory Board, 2017-present.
IDA Center for Computing Sciences,
Program Review Committee (Chair), 2005-2013.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Computing, Communications and Networking Division Review Committee,
US-Israeli Binational Science Foundation,
Advisory Committee, 2008-2012.
Electronic Crimes Task Force (Chicago Area),
U.S. Secret Service, 2002-2004.
University of Wisconsin Center for Human Performance and Risk Analysis,
Internal Advisory Board, 2002-2004.
Euro-Par Conference Advisory Board, 2002-present.
IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing, 1995-present.
Advisory Committee, Tuskegee University High Performance Computing
Program, 1996-2000.
Advisory Board, International Summer Institute on Parallel Computer
Architectures, Languages, and Algorithms, Prague, Czech Republic, July 1993.
Conference Chair Activities
- Co-Chair,
Scalable Tools Workshop, Granlibakken, Snowbird, and Solitude,
- Co-Chair,
2nd Shonan Meeting on Cloud and Grid Security: A Confluence,
Shonan, Japan, March 2014.
- Program Co-Chair,
International Conference on Supercomputing,
Munich, Germany, May 2014.
- Co-Chair,
Meeting on Cloud and Grid Security: A Confluence,
Shonan, Japan, October 2012.
- Co-Chair,
Seminar on Program Development for Extreme-Scale Computing,
Wadern, Germany, May 2010.
- Technical Program, Tutorials Co-Chair,
Supercomputing 2008,
Austin, November 2008.
- Co-Chair,
Workshop on Scalable Tools for High-End Computing,
Kos, Greece, June 2008.
- Co-Chair,
Dagstuhl Seminar on Code Instrumentation & Modeling for Parallel Performance
Germany, August 2007.
- Steering Committee,
DOE Software
Development Tools for Petascale Computing,
August 2007.
- Co-Chair, Center for Scalable Application Development Software
on Performance Tools for Petascale Computing, July 2007.
- Co-Chair,
Dagstuhl Seminar on Automated Performance Analysis,
Germany, December 2005.
- Technical Papers Vice Chair,
Supercomputing 2003,
Phoenix, November 2003.
- Program Co-Chair,
US/Venezuela Workshop On High Performance Computing,
Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, April 2000.
- Program Co-Chair,
Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools
- General Chair,
Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools
Conference Program Committees
- 2018:
18th IEEE/ACM Symposium on Cloud, Cluster, and Grid Computing (CCGrid) (May 2018)
- 2016:
5th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (November 2016)
- 2015:
4th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (November 2016)
- 2013:
Supercomputing 2013 Technical Paper (November 2013)
- 2012:
2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2012)
(April 2012)
- 2011:
Supercomputing 2011 Tutorials Technical Program (November 2011)
- 2009:
18th International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC) (June 2009),
2009 International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (ICPP) (May 2009),
- 2008:
17th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing, HPDC (June 2008),
2008 SIGSOFT/SIGMETRICS International Workshop on Software and Performance (June 2008).
- 2007:
Supercomputing 2007 (November 2007),
16th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing, HPDC (June 2007),
2007 Network and Distributed System Security Conference, NDSS (February 2007),
8th International Conference on Linux Clusters (2007).
- 2006:
2006 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (September 2006),
Euro PVM/MPI 2006 (August 2006),
7th International Conference on Linux Clusters (2006).
- 2005:
6th International Symposium on Automated and Analysis-Driven Debugging, AADEBUG 2005 (September 2005),
6th International Conference on Linux Clusters (2005).
- 2004:
5th International Conference on Linux Clusters (2004),
2nd European Across Grids Conference (January 2004).
- 2003:
11th Euromicro Conference on Parallel Distributed and Network Based Processing, PDP2003.
- 2002:
3rd International Conference on Linux Clusters (October 2002),
Euro PVM/MPI 2002.
- Earlier:
2001 ACM Symposium on the Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming, PPoPP,
SC2000 (Tutorials),
Euro PVM/MPI'99,
1999 ACM Symposium on the Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming, PPoPP,
1998 International Performance and Dependability Symposium,
Supercomputing `97,
Supercomputing '93,
1993 ACM Symposium on the Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming, PPoPP,
Supercomputer Debugging Workshop '92,
10th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
9th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
USENIX Summer '88 Conference.