Below are some papers from my research, including
work from the
Paradyn (Dyninst, MRNet, Self-Propelled),
Fuzz testing,
WiSA projects.
I do not have PS or PDF files for a few of the papers, though am working to get
H.-H. Wu and B.P. Miller,
"Register Availability Analysis in Support of Instrumentation of GPU Kernels",
submitted for publication, December 2024.
[ pdf ]
Raúl Reinosa Simón,
Clara I. Valero,
José A. Martínez Cadenas,
Elisa R. Heymann,
Ignacio Lacalle,
Barton P. Miller and
Carlos E. Palau,
"Empirical Analysis and Practical Assessment of Ransomware Attacks to Data in Motion",
2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR),
London, England, September 2024.
[ pdf ]
Jason R. Vavrek, Luozhong Zhou, Joshua Boverhof, Elisa R. Heymann, Barton P. Miller
and Sean Peisert,
"Differential Fuzz Testing to Detect Tampering in Sensor Systems and its Application
to Arms Control Authentication",
submitted for publication,
April 2024.
[ pdf ]
Sazzadur Rahaman, Miles Frantz, Barton P. Miller and Danfeng Yao,
"SpanL: Creating Algorithms for Automatic API Misuse Detection with Program Analysis Compositions"
Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops, ACNS 2023,
Kyoto, Japan, June 2023.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13907,
Springer Nature Link.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-41181-6_28
[ pdf ]
Sharmin Afrose,
Ya Xiao,
Sazzadur Rahaman,
Barton P. Miller,
Danfeng (Daphne) Yao,
"Evaluation of Static Vulnerability Detection Tools with Java Cryptographic
API Benchmarks",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
49, 2, February 2023.
DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3154717.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller and Elisa R. Heymann,
"The Technical Landscape of Ransomware: Threat Models and Defense Models",
Maritime Interdiction Operations Journal, NATO, Issue 24, 2022. ISSN 2241-438X.
[ pdf ]
An extended version of this paper is available.
Barton P. Miller, Mengxiao Zhang and Elisa R. Heymann,
"The Relevance of Classic Fuzz Testing: Have We Solved This One?",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
48, 6,
June 2022,
DOI 10.1109/TSE.2020.3047766.
[ pdf ]
Danfeng (Daphne) Yao,
Sazzadur Rahaman,
Ya Xiao,
Sharmin Afrose,
Miles Frantz,
Ke Tian,
Na Meng,
Cristina Cifuentes,
Yang Zhao,
Nicholas Allen,
Nathan Keynes,
Barton P. Miller,
Elisa R. Heymann,
Murat Kantarcioglu, and
Fahad Shaon,
"Being the Developer's Friend: Our Experience Developing a High Precision Tool for Secure Coding",
20, 6, IEEE Software & Privacy, November/December 2022.
DOI: 10.1109/MSEC.2022.3159481.
Elisa Heymann and Barton P. Miller, "Software Security for the People:
Free and Open Resources for Software Security Training",
IEEE Security & Privacy
20, 2,
March/April 2022, DOI 10.1109/MSEC.2022.3142336.
[ pdf ]
Andrew Adams, Kay Avila, Elisa Heymann, Mark Krenz, Jason R. Lee, Barton P.
Miller, and Sean Peisert, "Guide to Securing Scientific Software",
December 2021,
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5777646.
[ pdf ]
"Adaptive Resource Management for HPC Systems",
Dagstuhl Reports, vol. 11, issue 10, pp. 1-19.
Editors Michael Gerndt, Masaaki Kondo, Barton P. Miller, and Tapasya Patki.
[ pdf ]
Xiaozhu Meng, Jonathon Anderson, John Mellor-Crummey,
Mark W. Krentel, Barton P. Miller and Srdan Milakovic,
"Parallelizing Binary Code Analysis",
26th ACM Symposium on the Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming(PPoPP),
February 2021.
[ pdf ]
Joseph O. Eichenhofer, Elisa R. Heymann, Barton P. Miller and Kyung Won (Arnold) Kang,
"An In-Depth Security Assessment of Maritime Container Terminal Software Systems",
IEEE Access,
vol. 8,
July 2020.
[ pdf ]
Appeared in earlier form in:
Joseph O. Eichenhofer,
Elisa Heymann and
Barton P. Miller,
"In-Depth Software Vulnerability Assessment of Container Terminal Systems",
2nd NATO Conference on Cyber Security in the Maritime Domain, Souda Bay, Crete, Greece,
September 2017.
[ pdf ]
Benjamin Welton and Barton P. Miller,
"Identifying and (Automatically) Remedying Performance Problems in CPU/GPU
International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS),
Barcelona, Spain, June 2020.
[ pdf ]
Benjamin Welton and Barton P. Miller,
"Diogenes: Looking for An Honest CPU/GPU Performance Measurement Tool",
Supercomputing 2019 (SC2019), Denver, November 2019.
[ pdf ]
Sazzadur Rahaman, Ya Xiao, Sharmin Afrose, Ke Tian, Miles Frantz, Na Meng,
Barton P. Miller, Fahad Shaon, Murat Kantarcioglu and Danfeng (Daphne) Yao,
"Deployment-quality and Accessible Solutions for Cryptography Code Development",
26th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), poster,
London, November 2019.
Andrew Adams, Kay Avila, Jim Basney, Dana Brunson, Robert Cowles,
Jeannette Dopheide, Terry Fleury, Elisa Heymann, Florence Hudson,
Craig Jackson, Ryan Kiser, Mark Krenz, Jim Marsteller, Barton P. Miller,
Sean Peisert, Scott Russell, Susan Sons, Von Welch, John Zage,
"Trusted CI Experiences in Cybersecurity and Service to Open Science",
Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing Conference (PEARC19),
Chicago, July 2019.
[ pdf ]
Joseph O. Eichenhofer, Elisa R. Heymann, Barton P. Miller and Kyung Won (Arnold) Kang,
"Securing Maritime Software Systems: Academia and Industry Working Together",
Port Technology International,
Edition 80: Winter 2018.
[ pdf ]
Xiaozhu Meng, Barton P. Miller and Somesh Jha,
"Adversarial Binaries for Authorship Identification",
arXiv:1809.08316 [cs.CR],
September 2018".
[ pdf ]
Benjamin Welton and Barton P. Miller,
"Exposing Hidden Performance Opportunities in High Performance GPU Applications",
18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing
(CCGrid), Washington, DC,
May 2018.
Best paper award.
[ pdf ]
Nathan Jay and Barton P. Miller,
"Structured Random Differential Testing of Instruction Decoders",
25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER),
Campobasso, Italy, March 2018.
[ pdf ]
Xiaozhu Meng and Barton P. Miller,
"Binary Code Multi-Author Identification in Multi-Toolchain Scenarios",
submitted for publication,
October 2017.
[ pdf ]
Benjamin Welton and Barton P. Miller,
"Data Reduction and Partitioning in an Extreme Scale GPU-Based Clustering Algorithm",
2nd International Workshop on Data Reductions for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD),
Denver, November 2017.
[ pdf ]
James A. Kupsch,
Barton P. Miller,
Vamshi Basupalli,
and Josef Burger,
"From Continuous Integration to Continuous Assurance",
IEEE Software Technology Conference,
Gaithersburg, Maryland,
September 2017.
[ pdf ]
Xiaozhu Meng,
Barton P. Miller,
and Kwang-Sung Jun,
"Identifying Multiple Authors in a Binary Program",
22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS),
Oslo, Norway, September 2017.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 10493, Spring Verlag.
[ pdf ]
Elisa Heymann,
Barton P. Miller,
Mohammed J. Alghazzawi and
David Incertis,
"Addressing the Cyber-Security of Maritime Shipping"
2016 European Transport Conference (ETC),
Barcelona, Spain,
October 2016.
[ pdf ]
Xiaozhu Meng and Barton P. Miller,
"Binary Code is Not Easy",
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA),
Saarbruecken, Germany, July 2016.
[ pdf ]
James A. Kupsch, Elisa Heymann, Barton P. Miller and Vamshi Basupalli,
"Bad and Good News about Using Software Assurance Tools",
Software: Practice and Experience,
[ pdf ]
William R. Williams, Xiaozhu Meng, Benjamin Welton, and Barton P. Miller,
"Dyninst and MRNet: Foundational Infrastructure for Parallel Tools",
9th Annual Parallel Tools Workshop Dresden,
Germany, September 2015.
[ pdf ]
Benjamin Welton and Barton Miller,
"Mr. Scan: A Hybrid/Hybrid Extreme Scale Density Based Clustering Algorithm",
submitted for publication,
March 2015.
[ pdf ]
Benjamin Welton and Barton Miller, "The Anatomy of Mr. Scan:
A Dissection of Performance of an Extreme Scale GPU-Based Clustering
Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems
New Orleans, November 2014.
[ pdf ]
Maxime Frydman, Guifre Ruiz, Elisa Heymann, Eduardo Cesar and Barton P. Miller,
"Automating Risk Analysis of Software Design Models",
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014), Article ID 805856,
June 2014.
[ pdf ]
Emily R. Jacobson, Andrew R. Bernat, William R. Williams, and Barton P. Miller,
"Detecting Code Reuse Attacks with a Model of Conformant Program Execution",
International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSOS),
Munich, Germany, Feb 2014.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, Dorian C. Arnold, Michael J. Brim, Philip C. Roth, Evan Samanas,
Benjamin Welton and Bill Williams,
"Building on Lessons Learned From Over a Decade of MRNet Research and Development",
Extreme Scale Programming Tools Workshop, Denver, November 2013.
[ pdf ]
Benjamin Welton, Evan Samanas, and Barton P. Miller,
"Mr. Scan: Extreme Scale Density-Based Clustering Using a Tree-Based Network of
GPGPU Nodes",
Supercomputing 2013 (SC2013), Denver, November 2013.
[ pdf ]
Xiaozhu Meng, Barton P. Miller, William R. Williams, Andrew R. Bernat,
"Mining Software Repositories for Accurate Authorship",
29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance,
Eindhoven, Netherlands, September 2013.
[ pdf ]
Jairo D. Serrano, Elisa Heymann, Eduardo César, Barton P. Miller,
"Increasing Automated Vulnerability Assessment Accuracy on Cloud and
Grid Middleware",
9th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience
Lanzhou, China, May 2013.
[ pdf ]
Dong H. Ahn, Michael J. Brim, Bronis R. de Supinski, Todd Gamblin,
Gregory L. Lee, Matthew P. LeGendre, Barton P. Miller, Adam Moody,
Martin Schulz,
"Efficient and Scalable Retrieval Techniques for Global File Properties",
27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium,
Boston, MA, May 2013.
[ pdf ]
Joshua D. Goehner, Dorian C. Arnold, Dong H. Ahn, Gregory L. Lee,
Bronis R. de Supinski, Matthew P. Legendre, Barton P. Miller,
Martin Schulz,
"LIBI: A Framework for Bootstrapping Extreme Scale Software Systems",
Journal of Parallel Computing 29, 3, March 2013, pp. 167-176.
[ pdf ]
Wenbin Fang, James A. Kupsch, and Barton P. Miller,
"Automated Tracing and Visualization of Software Security Structure and Properties",
9th International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec),
Seattle, October 15, 2012.
[ pdf ]
Guifre Ruiz, Elisa Heymann, Eduardo Cesar and Barton P. Miller,
"Automating Threat Modeling through the Software Development Life-Cycle",
XXIII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP2012),
Elche, Spain, September 2012.
[ pdf ]
Andrew R. Bernat and Barton P. Miller,
"Structured Binary Editing with a CFG Transformation Algebra",
19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE),
Kingston, Ontario, October 2012.
[ PDF ]
Kevin A. Roundy and Barton P. Miller,
"Binary-Code Obfuscations in Prevalent Packer Tools",
ACM Computing Surveys
46, 1, October 2012.
[ pdf ]
Jairo D. Serrano, Elisa Heymann, Eduardo Cesar and Barton P. Miller,
"Vulnerability Assessment Enhancement for Middleware",
Computing and Informatics 31, February 2012, pp. 1001-1016.
Also appears in the
5th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference (IBERGRID),
Santander, Spain, June 2011.
[ pdf ]
Nathan E. Rosenblum, Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu and Barton P. Miller,
"Who Wrote This Code? Identifying the Authors of Program Binaries",
2011 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS),
Leuven, Belgium, September 2011.
[ pdf ]
Andrew R. Bernat and Barton P. Miller,
"Anywhere, Any Time Binary Instrumentation",
10th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software
Tools and Engineering (PASTE),
Szeged, Hungary, September 2011.
[ pdf ]
Emily R. Jacobson, Nathan E. Rosenblum and Barton P. Miller,
"Labeling Library Functions in Stripped Binaries",
10th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software
Tools and Engineering (PASTE),
Szeged, Hungary, September 2011.
[ pdf ]
Andrew R. Bernat, Kevin A. Roundy and Barton P. Miller,
"Efficient, Sensitivity Resistant Binary Instrumentation",
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA),
Toronto, Canada, July 2011.
[ pdf ]
Nathan E. Rosenblum, Barton P. Miller and Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu,
"Recovering the Toolchain Provenance of Binary Code",
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA),
Toronto, Canada, July 2011.
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.
[ pdf ]
Joshua Goehner, Dorian C. Arnold, Dong Ahn, Greg Lee, Matthew Legendre,
Martin Schulz and B.P. Miller,
"A Framework for Bootstrapping Extreme Scale Software Systems",
First International Workshop on High-performance Infrastructure for
Scalable Tools (WHIST),
Tucson, June 2011.
Michael J. Brim, Barton P. Miller, and Vic Zandy.
"FINAL: Flexible and Scalable Composition of File System Name Spaces",
International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for
Supercomputers (ROSS),
Tucson, AZ, May 2011.
[ pdf ]
Gustavo Martine, Elisa Heymann, Miguel Angel Senar, and Barton P. Miller,
"Using SchedFlow for Performance Evaluation of Workflow Applications",
5th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS10),
New Orleans, November 2010.
[ pdf ]
James A. Kupsch, Barton P. Miller, Eduardo César, and Elisa Heymann,
"First Principles Vulnerability Assessment",
2010 ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW), Chicago, IL, October 2010.
[ pdf ]
Kevin A. Roundy and Barton P. Miller,
"Hybrid Analysis and Control of Malware Binaries",
13th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID2010),
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, September 2010.
[ pdf ]
Aroon Nataraj, Allen D. Malony, Alan Morris, Dorian C. Arnold, and Barton P. Miller,
"A Framework for Scalable Parallel Performance Monitoring",
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 22, 6, June 2010, pp. 720-735
Michael J. Brim, Luiz DeRose, Barton P. Miller, Ramya Olichandran, and Philip C. Roth,
"MRNet: A Scalable Infrastructure for the Development of Parallel Tools and Applications",
Cray User Group 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2010.
[ pdf ]
Emily Jacobson, Michael J. Brim and Barton P. Miller,
"A Lightweight Library for Building Scalable Toosl",
Para 2010: State of the Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing,
Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2010.
[ pdf ]
Nathan E. Rosenblum, Barton P. Miller and Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu,
"Extracting Compiler Provenance from Program Binaries",
9th ACM SIGNPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for
Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE),
Toronto, June 2010.
[ pdf ]
Dorian C. Arnold and Barton P. Miller,
"Scalable Failure Recovery for High-performance Data Aggregation"
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS),
Atlanta, April 2010.
[ pdf ]
James A. Kupsch, Barton P. Miller, Eduardo César, and Elisa Heymann,
"First Principles Vulnerability Assessment" (extended version),
MIST Project Technical Report,
September 2009.
[ pdf ]
Michael J. Brim and Barton P. Miller,
"Group File Operations for Scalable Tools and Middleware",
16th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC),
Cochin, India. December 2009.
Best Paper Award.
[ pdf ]
Dong H. Ahn, Bronis R. de Supinski, Ignacio Laguna, Greg L. Lee,
Ben Liblit, Barton P. Miller, and Martin Schulz,
"Scalable Temporal Order Analysis for Large Scale Debugging",
Supercomputing 2009 (SC2009),
Portland, OR, November 2009.
[ pdf ]
James A. Kupsch and Barton P. Miller,
"Manual vs. Automated Vulnerability Assessment: A Case Study",
First International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats
(MIST 2009),
West Lafayette, IN, June 2009.
[ pdf ]
Alexandre V. Mirgorodskiy and Barton P. Miller,
"Diagnosing Distributed Systems with Self-Propelled Instrumentation",
ACM/IFIP/USENIX 9th International Middleware,
Leuven, Belgium, December 2008.
[ pdf ]
Greg L. Lee, Dong H. Ahn, Dorian C. Arnold, Bronis R. de Supinski,
Barton P. Miller, Martin Schulz, and Benjamin Liblit,
"Lessons learned at 208K: Towards Debugging Millions of Cores",
Supercomputing 2008 (SC2008), Austin, TX, November 2008.
[ pdf ]
Aroon Nataraj, Allen D. Malony, Alan Morris Dorian C. Arnold, and Barton P. Miller,
"In Search of Sweet-Spots in Parallel Performance Monitoring",
2008 IEEE International Conf. on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2008),
Tsukuba, Japan, September 2008.
[ pdf ]
Dong H. Ahn, Dorian C. Arnold, Bronis R. de Supinski, Greg L. Lee, Barton P. Miller,
and Martin Schulz,
"Overcoming Scalability Challenges for Tool Daemon Launching",
37th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-08),
Portland, OR, September 2008.
[ pdf ]
Nathan E. Rosenblum, Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu, Barton P. Miller and Karen Hunt,
"Learning to Analyze Binary Computer Code",
23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2008),
Chicago, July 2008.
[ pdf ]
Nathan Rosenblum, Gregory Cooksey, and Barton P. Miller,
"Virtual Machine-Based Circumvention of Self-Checksumming Code",
International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments
(VEE 2008),
March 2008, Seattle.
[ pdf ]
James A. Kupsch and Barton P. Miller,
"How to Open a File and Not Get Hacked",
Second International Workshop on Secure Software Engineering (SecSE),
Barcelona, Spain, March 2008.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, Forward to book in
Open Source Fuzzing Tools
by Noam Rathaus and Gadi Evron, Syngress Press,
Elsevier Science and Technology Books, August 2007, ISBN 15-97491950.
Nathan Rosenblum, Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu, Barton P. Miller and Karen Hunt,
"Machine Learning-Assisted Binary Code Analysis",
NIPS 2007 Workshop on Machine Learning in Adversarial Environments for Computer Security,
Whistler, BC, December 2007.
[ pdf ]
John Mellor-Crummey, Peter Beckman, Jack Dongarra, Barton P. Miller, and Kathy Yelick,
"Software Technology for Leadership-Class Computing",
SciDAC Review 5, Fall 2007, Department of Energy, pp. 36-45.
Swetha Krishnan, Giridhar Ravipati, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau,
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, Barton P. Miller,
"Fingerprinting NFS Failure Policy",
3rd International Workshop on Storage Security and Survivability
(StorageSS 2007),
Alexandria, VA, October 2007.
Greg L. Lee, Dong H. Ahn, Dorian C. Arnold, Bronis R. de Supinski,
Barton P. Miller, and Martin Schulz,
"Benchmarking the Stack Trace Analysis Tool for BlueGene/L",
Parallel Computing 2007 (ParCo), Minisymposium on Scalability
and Usability of HPC Programming Tools,
Aachen/Jülich, Germany, September 2007.
[ pdf ]
Gogul Balakrishnan, Mihai Christodorescu, Vinod Ganapathy, Jonathan T.
Giffin, Shai Rubin, Hao Wang, Somesh Jha, Barton P. Miller, Thomas Reps,
"Analysis of COTS for Security Vulnerability Remediation",
Information Security Research: New Methods for Protecting against
Cyber Threats, Wiley Publishing, Inc.,
Wang, King, Wachter, Herklotz, Arney, Toth, Hislop, Heise, and Combs, eds.,
[ pdf ]
Andrew R. Bernat and Barton P. Miller,
"Incremental Call-Path Profiling",
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 19, 11, August 2007,
pp. 1533-1547.
[ pdf ]
Lisa A. Torrey, Joyce Coleman, and Barton P. Miller,
"A Comparison of Interactivity in the Linux 2.6 Scheduler and an MLFQ Scheduler",
Software: Practice and Experience 37, 4, April 2007, pp. 347-364.
[ pdf ]
Dorian C. Arnold, Dong H. Ahn, Bronis R. de Supinski, Greg Lee,
Barton P. Miller, and Martin Schulz,
"Stack Trace Analysis for Large Scale Debugging",
21st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
Long Beach, California, March 2007.
[ pdf ]
Alexander V. Mirgorodskiy, Naoya Maruyama, and Barton P. Miller,
"Problem Diagnosis in Large-Scale Computing Environments",
SC|06, Tampa, Florida, November 2006.
[ pdf ]
Dorian C. Arnold and Barton P. Miller,
"State Compensation: A No-cost Scheme for Scalable Failure Recovery in
Tree-based Overlay Networks",
Second Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability (HotDep '06),
Seattle, WA, November 2006.
[ pdf ]
Jonathon T. Giffin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"Automated Discovery of Mimicry Attacks",
9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion
Detection (RAID),
Hamburg, Germany, September 2006.
Shai Rubin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"On the Completeness of Attack Mutation Algorithms",
19th Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW),
Venice, Italy, July 2006.
B.P. Miller, G. Cooksey and F. Moore,
"An Empirical Study of the Robustness of MacOS Applications Using Random
First International Workshop on Random Testing,
Portland, Maine, July 2006.
[pdf ]
S. McIlwain and B.P. Miller,
"A Tool for Converting Linux Device Drivers into Solaris Compatible Binaries",
Software: Practice & Experience 36, 7,
June 2006, pp. 689-710.
Dorian C. Arnold, Gary D. Pack and Barton P. Miller,
"Tree-based Overlay Networks for Scalable Applications",
11th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments (HIPS 2006), Rhodes, Greece, April 2006.
[ pdf ]
Philip C. Roth and Barton P. Miller,
"On-line Automated Performance Diagnosis on Thousands of Processes",
ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming (PPoPP),
New York City, March 2006.
[ pdf ]
Jonathon T. Giffin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"On Effective Model-Based Intrusion Detection",
Technical report #1543, Computer Sciences Department,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, November 2005.
Laune C. Harris and Barton P. Miller,
"Practical Analysis of Stripped Binary Code",
Workshop on Binary Instrumentation and Applications (WBIA-05),
St. Louis, Missouri, September 2005.
Jonathon T. Giffin, David Dagon, Somesh Jha, Wenke Lee, and Barton
P. Miller,
"Environment-sensitive intrusion detection",
8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion
Detection (RAID),
Seattle, Washington, September 2005.
Eli D. Collins and Barton P. Miller,
"A Loop-aware Search Strategy for Automated Performance Analysis",
High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-05),
Sorrento, Italy, September 2005.
Appears in Spring-Verlag LNCS #3726.
[ pdf ]
Shai Rubin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"Language-Based Generation and Evaluation of NIDS Signatures",
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,
Oakland, California, May 2005.
Shai Rubin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"Using attack mutation to test a high-end NIDS",
Information Security Bulletin 10, April 2005.
[Not currently available online.]
Alexander V. Mirgorodskiy and Barton P. Miller,
"Autonomous Analysis of Interactive Systems with Self-Propelled Instrumentation",
MMCN 2005: 12th Multimedia Computing and Networking,
San Jose, California, January 2005.
[ pdf ]
Shai Rubin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"Automatic generation and analysis of NIDS attacks",
20th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC),
Tuscon, Arizona, December 2004.
Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award.
[pdf ]
Henry Hanping Feng, Jonathon T. Giffin, Yong Huang, Somesh Jha, Wenke
Lee, and Barton P. Miller,
"Formalizing sensitivity in static analysis for intrusion detection",
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,
Oakland, California, May 2004.
[pdf ]
Philip C. Roth, Dorian C. Arnold, and Barton P. Miller,
"Benchmarking the MRNet Distributed Tool Infrastructure: Lessons Learned",
2004 High-Performance Grid Computing Workshop, held in conjunction with
the 2004 International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS),
Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2004.
[ pdf ]
Jonathon T. Giffin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"Efficient Context-Sensitive Intrusion Detection",
11th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS),
San Diego, California, February 2004.
[pdf ]
Philip C. Roth, Dorian C. Arnold, and Barton P. Miller,
"MRNet: A Software-Based Multicast/Reduction Network for Scalable Tools",
SC2003, Phoenix, Arizona, November 2003.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, Ana Cortés, Miquel A. Senar, and Miron Livny,
"The Tool Daemon Protocol (TDP)",
SC2003, Phoenix, Arizona, November 2003.
[ pdf ]
Alexander V. Mirgorodskiy and Barton P. Miller,
"CrossWalk: A Tool for Performance Profiling Across the User-Kernel Boundary",
International Conference on Parallel Computing,
ParCo, Dresden, Germany, September 2003.
[ pdf ]
Victor C. Zandy and Barton P. Miller,
"Checkpoints of GUI-based Applications",
2003 USENIX Annual Technical Conference,
San Antonio, TX, June 2003.
[ pdf ]
Tevfik Kosar, Mihai Christodorescu, Rob Iverson and Barton P. Miller,
"Using Binary Code Rewrite to Bypass License Checks",
May 2003.
[ pdf ]
Karen L. Karavanic and Barton P. Miller,
"A Framework for Multi-execution Performance Tuning",
On-line Monitoring Systems and Computer Tool Interoperability,
Thomas Ludwig and Barton P. Miller, eds.,
Nova Science Publishers, Commack, NY,
pp. 61-89, 2003,
ISBN 1-59033-888-X.
Victor C. Zandy and Barton P. Miller,
"Reliable Network Connections",
ACM MobiCom, Atlanta, September 2002.
[ pdf ]
Jonathon T. Giffin, Somesh Jha, and Barton P. Miller,
"Detecting Manipulated Remote Call Streams",
11th USENIX Security Symposium,
San Francisco, California, August 2002.
[pdf |
Philip C. Roth and Barton P. Miller,
"Deep Start: A Hybrid Strategy for Automated Performance Problem Searches",
Euro-Par 2002,
Paderborn, Germany, August 2002.
[ pdf ]
Harold W. Cain, Barton P. Miller, and Brian J.N. Wylie,
"A Callgraph-Based Search Strategy for Automated Performance Diagnosis",
Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience 14, 3,
March 2002, pp. 203-217.
Also appears as Euro-Par 2000, Munich, Germany, August 2000.
[ pdf ]
K.L. Karavanic and B.P. Miller,
"Experiment Management Support for Parallel Performance Tuning",
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices 4, 3,
2002. Special issue on monitoring systems and tool interoperability.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, Mihai Christodorescu, Robert Iverson, Tevfik Kosar, Alexander Mirgorodskii,
and Florentina Popovici,
"Playing Inside the Black Box: Using Dynamic Instrumentation to Create Security Holes",
Parallel Processing Letters
11, 2/3,
June/September 2001.
Also appears in the Second Los Alamos Computer Science Institute Symposium, Sante Fe, NM (October 2001).
[ pdf ]
Ariel Tamches and Barton P. Miller,
"Dynamic Kernel I-Cache Optimization",
Workshop on Binary Translation, Barcelona, September 2001.
[ pdf ]
Zhichen Xu, Thomas Reps, and Barton P. Miller,
"Typestate Checking of Machine Code",
European Symposium On Programming (ESOP), Genova, Italy, April 2001.
[ pdf ]
Harold W. Cain, Barton P. Miller, and Brian J.N. Wylie,
"A Callgraph-Based Search Strategy for Automated Performance Diagnosis",
Euro-Par 2000,
Munich, Germany, August 2000.
[ pdf ]
Justin E. Forrester and Barton P. Miller, "An Empirical Study of the Robustness
of Windows NT Applications Using Random Testing",
4th USENIX Windows Systems Symposium,
Seattle, August 2000.
Appears (in German translation) as "Empirische Studie zur
Stabilität von NT-Anwendungen", iX, September 2000.
[pdf |
Zhichen Xu, Barton P. Miller, and Thomas Reps,
"Safety Checking of Machine Code",
SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI),
Vancouver, B.C., June 2000.
[ pdf ]
Karen L. Karavanic and Barton P. Miller,
"Improving Online Performance Diagnosis by the Use of Historical Performance Data",
Portland, Oregon, November 1999.
[ pdf ]
Ariel Tamches and Barton P. Miller,
"Using Dynamic Kernel Instrumentation for Kernel and Application Tuning",
International Journal of High-Performance and Applications
13, 3,
Fall 1999.
[ pdf ]
Victor C. Zandy, Barton P. Miller, and Miron Livny,
"Process Hijacking",
8th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC),
Redondo Beach, California, August 1999.
[ pdf ]
Tia Newhall and Barton P. Miller,
"Performance Measurement of Dynamically Compiled Java Executions",
1999 ACM Java Grande,
Palo Alto, June 1999.
[ pdf ]
Zhichen Xu, Barton P. Miller and Oscar Naim,
"Dynamic Instrumentation of Threaded Applications",
7th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP),
Atlanta, Georgia, May 1999.
[ pdf ]
Ariel Tamches and Barton P. Miller,
"Fine-Grained Dynamic Instrumentation of Commodity Operating System Kernels",
3rd Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI),
New Orleans, Louisiana, February 1999.
[ pdf ]
Daniel A. Reed,
David A. Padua,
Ian Foster,
Dennis B. Gannon and
Barton P. Miller,
"Delphi: An Integrated, Language-directed Performance Prediction, Measurement and
Analysis Environment",
The 7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers '99),
Annapolis, Maryland, February 1999.
[ pdf ]
Tia Newhall and Barton P. Miller,
"Performance Measurement of Interpreted Programs",
Euro-Par '98,
Southampton, England, September 1998.
[ pdf ]
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Barton P. Miller, Marcelo J. R. Gonçalves, Oscar Naim, Zhichen Xu and Ling Zheng,
"MDL: A Language and Compiler for Dynamic Program Instrumentation",
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT),
San Francisco, California,
November 1997.
[ pdf ]
Karen L. Karavanic and Barton P. Miller,
"Experiment Management Support for Performance Tuning",
San Jose, California, November 1997.
[ pdf ]
Zhichen Xu, James R. Larus and Barton P. Miller
"Shared-Memory Performance Profiling",
6th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP),
Las Vegas, Nevada, June 1997.
[ pdf ]
Karen L. Karavanic, Jussi Myllymaki, Miron Livny and Barton P. Miller,
"Integrated Visualization of Parallel Program Performance Data",
Parallel Computing
23, 1997.
Special issue on Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing).
[ pdf ]
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth and Barton P. Miller,
"An Adaptive Cost Model for Parallel Program Instrumentation",
Euro-Par '96,
Lyon, France, August 1996.
Appears in
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 1123,
Vol. I,
eds. Luc Bouge, Pierre Fraigniaud, Anne Mignotte and Yves Robert,
pp. 88-97.
[ pdf ]
R. Bruce Irvin and Barton P. Miller,
"Mechanisms for Mapping High-Level Parallel Performance Data",
ICPP Workshop on Challenges for Parallel Processing,
Chicago, August 1996.
[ pdf ]
R. Bruce Irvin and Barton P. Miller,
"Mapping Performance Data for High-Level and Data Views of Parallel Program Performance",
International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS),
Philadelphia, May 1996.
[ pdf ]
Krishna Kunchithapadam and Barton P. Miller,
"Integrating a Debugger and a Performance Tool for Steering",
in Debugging and Performance Tools for Parallel Computing Systems, eds. M.L. Simmons,
A.H. Hayes, J.S. Brown and D.A. Reed,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996, pp. 53-64.
[ pdf ]
Douglas C. Burger, R.S. Hyder, Barton P. Miller, and David A. Wood,
"Paging Tradeoffs in Distributed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors",
Journal of Supercomputing
10, 1,
Also appears in
Supercomputing '94,
Washington, DC,
November 1994.
[pdf ]
B.P. Miller, D. Koski, C.P. Lee, V. Maganty, R. Murthy,
A. Natarajan, and J. Steidl,
"Fuzz Revisited: A Re-examination of the Reliability of UNIX
Utilities and Services",
Computer Sciences Technical Report #1268,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 1995.
Appears (in German translation) as
"Empirische Studie zur Zuverlasskeit von UNIX-Utilities:
Nichts dazu Gerlernt", iX, September 1995.
[pdf ]
Krishna Kunchithapadam and Barton P. Miller,
"Optimizing Array Distributions in Data-Parallel Programs",
7th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing,
Ithaca, New York, August 1994.
Appears in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 892,
eds. K. Pingali, U. Banerjee, D. Gelernter,
A. Nicolau and D. Padua, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp.472-486.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, Mark D. Callaghan, Jonathan M. Cargille,
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, R. Bruce Irvin, Karen L. Karavanic,
Krishna Kunchithapadam and Tia Newhall,
"The Paradyn Parallel Performance Measurement Tool",
IEEE Computer
28, 11,
November 1995, pp. 37-46.
Special issue on performance evaluation tools for parallel and distributed computer systems.
[ pdf ]
Robert H.B. Netzer and Barton P. Miller,
"Optimal Tracing and Replay for Debugging Message-Passing Parallel Programs",
Journal of Supercomputing
pp. 371-388.
Also appears in
Supercomputing '92 Conference,
Minneapolis, November 1992.
[ pdf ]
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Barton P. Miller, and James E. Lumpp,
"Techniques for Performance Measurement of Parallel Programs" in
Parallel Computers: Theory and Practice,
IEEE Computer Society Press, T.L. Casavant, P. Tvrdik, and F. Plasil, eds., 1995
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth and Barton P. Miller,
"Slack: A New Performance Metric for Parallel Programs",
Computer Sciences Technical Report #1260,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 1994.
[ pdf ]
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Barton P. Miller and Jon Cargille,
"Dynamic Program Instrumentation for Scalable Performance Tools",
Scalable High-performance Computing Conference (SHPCC),
Knoxville, Tennessee, May 1994.
[ pdf ]
R. Bruce Irvin and Barton P. Miller,
"A Performance Tool for High-Level Parallel Programming Languages",
IFIP WG10.3 Working Conference on Programming Environments for Massively
Parallel Distributed Systems,
Ascona, Switzerland, April 1994.
[ pdf ]
R. Bruce Irvin and Barton P. Miller,
"Multi-Application Support in a Parallel Program Performance Tool",
IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology
2, 1,
February 1994,
pp. 40-50.
Barton P. Miller, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth and Mark D. Callaghan,
"The Paradyn Parallel Performance Tools and PVM",
Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing,
eds., J.J. Dongarra and B. Tourancheau, SIAM Press, 1994.
[ pdf ]
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth and Barton P. Miller,
"Dynamic Control of Performance Monitoring on Large Scale Parallel Systems",
International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS),
Tokyo, July 1993.
[ pdf ]
Joann J. Ordille and Barton P. Miller,
"Database Challenges in Global Information Systems",
Washington DC, May 1993.
[pdf ]
Joann J. Ordille and Barton P. Miller,
"Distributed Active Catalogs and Meta-Data Caching in Descriptive Name Services",
13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
Pittsburgh, May 1993.
Outstanding Paper Award.
[pdf ]
Barton P. Miller,
"What to Draw? When to Draw? An Essay on Parallel Program Visualization",
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
18, 2, June 1993.
[ pdf ]
J.K. Hollingsworth and Barton P. Miller,
"Parallel Program Performance Metrics: A Comparison and Validation",
Supercomputing '92 Conference,
Minneapolis, November 1992.
[ pdf ]
J. Cargille and B.P. Miller,
"Binary Wrapping: A Technique for Instrumenting Object Code",
SIGPLAN Notices 27, 6 (June 1992).
[ pdf ]
Joann J. Ordille and Barton P. Miller,
"Lost in a Labyrinth of Workstations",
Third Workshop on Operating Systems,
Key Biscayne, Florida, April 1992.
[pdf ]
Robert H.B. Netzer and Barton P. Miller,
"What are Race Conditions: Some Issues and Formalizations",
ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems
1, 1,
March 1992.
[ pdf ]
Robert H.B. Netzer and Barton P. Miller,
"Detecting Data Races in Parallel Program Executions",
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing,
D. Gelernter, T. Gross, A. Nicolau, and D. Padua eds., MIT press, 1991.
Also appears in
3rd Workshop on Programming Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing,
Irvine, CA, August 1990.
[ pdf ]
Jong-Deok Choi, Barton P. Miller, and Robert H.B. Netzer,
"Techniques for Debugging Parallel Programs with Flowback Analysis",
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
13, 4,
October 1991.
[ pdf ]
Joann J. Ordille and Barton P. Miller,
"Nomenclator Descriptive Query Optimization for Large X.500 Environment",
ACM SIGCOMM '91 Symposium on Communications Architectures and Protocols,
Zurich, September 1991.
[ pdf ]
Sarita V. Adve, Mark D. Hill, Barton P. Miller, and Robert H.B. Netzer,
"Detecting Data Races on Weak Memory Systems",
International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA),
May 1991.
[ pdf ]
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Robert B. Irvin, and Barton P. Miller,
"The Integration of Application and System Based Metrics in a
Parallel Program Performance Tool",
3rd ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP),
Williamsburg, VA,
April 1991.
[ pdf ]
Robert H.B. Netzer and Barton P. Miller,
"Improving the Accuracy of Data Race Detection",
3rd ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP),
Williamsburg, VA,
April 1991.
[pdf ]
David L. Cohrs and Barton P. Miller,
"Verification of Network Management System Configurations",
2nd International IFIP Symposium on Integrated Network Management,
Washington DC,
April 1991.
[pdf ]
B.P. Miller, L. Fredriksen, and B. So,
"An Empirical Study of the Reliability of UNIX Utilities",
Communications of the ACM 33,
12 (December 1990).
Also appears (in German translation) as
"Fatale Fehlertractigkeit: Eine Empirische Studie zur
Zuverlassigkeit von UNIX-Utilities", iX, March 1991.
[pdf ]
Robert H.B. Netzer and Barton P. Miller,
"On the Complexity of Event Ordering for Shared-Memory Parallel Program Executions",
1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing,
St. Charles, Ill.,
August 1990.
[pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, M. Clark, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, S. Kierstead, and Sek-See Lim,
"IPS-2: The Second Generation of a Parallel Program Measurement System",
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computing
1, 2,
April 1990,
pp. 206-217.
[pdf ]
Jong-Deok Choi and Barton P. Miller,
"Code Generation and Separate Compilation in a Parallel Program Debugger"
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing,
Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing,
MIT Press and Pitman Publishing, London, D. Gelernter,
A. Nicolau, and D. Padua, eds., 1990.",
Cui-Qing Yang and Barton P. Miller,
"Performance Measurement of Parallel and Distributed Programs:
A Structured and Automatic Approach",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
15, 12,
December 1989,
pp. 1615-1629.
[pdf ]
David L. Cohrs and Barton P. Miller,
"Specification and Verification of Network Managers for Large Internets",
ACM SIGCOMM '89 Symposium on Communications Architectures and Protocols,
September 1989.
[pdf ]
Mitali Bhattacharyya, David L. Cohrs, Barton P. Miller,
"Implementation of a Visual UNIX Process Connector",
IEEE Software, July 1988.
[pdf ]
David L. Cohrs, Barton P. Miller, Lisa A. Call,
"Distributed Upcalls: A Mechanism for Layering Asynchronous Abstractions",
8th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
San Jose,
June 1988.
[pdf ]
Barton P. Miller and Jong-Deok Choi,
"Breakpoints and Halting in Distributed Programs",
8th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
San Jose,
June 1988.
[pdf ]
Cui-Qing Yang and Barton P. Miller,
"Critical Path Analysis for the Execution of Parallel and Distributed Programs",
8th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
San Jose,
June 1988.
[pdf ]
Barton P. Miller and Jong-Deok Choi,
"A Mechanism for Efficient Debugging of Parallel Programs",
SIGPLAN '88 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI),
June 1988.
Also appeared in the
SIGPLAN/SIGOPS Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging,
Madison, Wisconsin
June 1988.
[pdf ]
Barton P. Miller,
"The Frequency of Dynamic Pointer References in ``C'' Programs",
23, 6,
June 1988.
[pdf ]
Barton P. Miller,
"DPM: A Measurement System for Distributed Programs",
IEEE Transactions on Computers
37, 2,
February 1988,
pp. 243-247.
[pdf ]
Lisa A. Call, David L. Cohrs and Barton P. Miller,
"CLAM - an Open System for Graphical User Interfaces",
OOPSLA '87: Conference on Object Oriented
Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications,
Kissimmee, Florida,
October 1987.
Also appears in
Proceedings of the C++ Workshop,
Sante Fe, New Mexico,
November 1987.
[pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, Cui-Qing Yang,
"IPS: An Interactive and Automatic Performance Measurement Tools for Parallel
and Distributed Programs",
7th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
West Berlin,
September 1987.
[pdf ]
Alan Bricker, M. Clark, Tad Lebeck, Barton P. Miller, and P. Wu,
"Experience with DREGS",
1987 Summer USENIX Conference,
June 1987.
Barton P. Miller, David L. Presotto, and Michael L. Powell,
"DEMOS/MP: The Development of a Distributed Operating System",
Software - Practice & Experience
17, 4, April 1987.
[pdf ]
Dennis Draheim, Barton P. Miller and S. Snyder,
"Reliable and Secure UNIX Connection Service",
6th Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems,
Williamsburg, VA,
March 1987.
[pdf ]
Alan Bricker, Tad Lebeck and Barton P. Miller,
"DREGS: A Distributed Runtime Environment for Game Support",
EUUG 1986 Conference,
Manchester, England,
September 1986.
[ pdf ]
Nicolas Lai, Barton P. Miller,
"The Traveling Salesman Problem: The Development of a Distributed Computation",
1986 Internationall Conference on Parallel Processing,
St. Charles, Ill.,
August 1986.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, Stuart Sechrest, and Catheryn M. Macrander,
"A Distributed Program Monitor for Berkeley UNIX",
Software - Practice & Experience
16, 2,
February 1986.
Also appears (in short form) in the
5th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
May, 1985.
Reprinted in
Monitoring and Debugging of Distributed Real-Time Systems,
IEEE Computer Society Press, January, 1995.
[ pdf ]
Michael L. Powell, and Barton P. Miller,
"Process Migration in DEMOS/MP",
Ninth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,
Bretton Woods, N.H.,
October 1983.
Reprinted in Mobility:
Processes, Computers, and Agents,
ACM Press/Addison Wesley, D. Milojicic, F. Douglis, R. Wheeler, eds.,
1999, pp. 28-38.
[ pdf ]
Barton P. Miller, and David L. Presotto,
"XOS: An Operating System for the X-Tree Architecture",
Operating Systems Review
15, 2,
April 1981.
[ pdf ]