34 #ifndef __ARCH_RISCV_SYSTEM_HH__
35 #define __ARCH_RISCV_SYSTEM_HH__
44 #include "params/RiscvSystem.hh"
virtual Addr fixFuncEventAddr(Addr addr)
Fix up an address used to match PCs for hooking simulator events on to target function executions...
T * addConsoleFuncEvent(const char *lbl)
Add a function-based event to the console code.
const Params * params() const
void setRiscvAccess(Addr access)
Set the m5RiscvAccess pointer in the console.
ObjectFile * console
Object pointer for the console code.
HexFile * hexFile
Used by some Bare Iron Configurations.
BreakPCEvent * consolePanicEvent
Event to halt the simulator if the console calls panic()
uint64_t Addr
Address type This will probably be moved somewhere else in the near future.
virtual bool breakpoint()
SymbolTable * consoleSymtab
console symbol table