31 #ifndef __ARCH_SPARC_SYSTEM_HH__
32 #define __ARCH_SPARC_SYSTEM_HH__
40 #include "params/SparcSystem.hh"
SymbolTable * partitionDescSymtab
partition desc symbol table?
SymbolTable * hypervisorDescSymtab
hypervisor desc symbol table?
ObjectFile * hypervisor
Object pointer for the hypervisor code.
SymbolTable * openbootSymtab
openboot symbol table
void unserializeSymtab(CheckpointIn &cp) override
If needed, unserialize additional symbol table entries for a specific subclass of this system...
const Params * params() const
Addr fixFuncEventAddr(Addr addr) override
Fix up an address used to match PCs for hooking simulator events on to target function executions...
SymbolTable * hypervisorSymtab
hypervison binary symbol table
uint64_t Tick
Tick count type.
SymbolTable * resetSymtab
reset binary symbol table
T * addResetFuncEvent(const char *lbl)
Add a function-based event to reset binary.
uint64_t Addr
Address type This will probably be moved somewhere else in the near future.
ObjectFile * reset
Object pointer for the reset binary.
T * addHypervisorFuncEvent(const char *lbl)
Add a function-based event to the hypervisor.
T * addOpenbootFuncEvent(const char *lbl)
Add a function-based event to the openboot.
SymbolTable * nvramSymtab
nvram symbol table?
Tick sysTick
System Tick for syncronized tick across all cpus.
std::ostream CheckpointOut
ObjectFile * nvram
Object pointer for the nvram image.
ObjectFile * partition_desc
Object pointer for the partition description image.
void initState() override
initState() is called on each SimObject when not restoring from a checkpoint.
void serializeSymtab(CheckpointOut &cp) const override
Serialization stuff.
ObjectFile * openboot
Object pointer for the openboot code.
ObjectFile * hypervisor_desc
Object pointer for the hypervisor description image.