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VNSA-L digest 260
VNSA-L Digest 260
Topics covered in this issue include:
1) Re: Chu'c mu+`ng chi. em 8/3 + various
by Hong Lam Vu <vuh000@goofy.zdv.Uni-Mainz.de>
2) Re: Books: Herman Hess
by Yurong@oes.itri.org.tw
3) Re: [HELP] VN editor for NT 4.0
by "Caotri Nguyen" <caotri@axis.jeack.com.au>
4) Re: No'i chuye^.n
by "Hung M. La" <hung_la@ibm.net>
5) Chuye^.n Me`o
by "Hung M. La" <hung_la@ibm.net>
6) Re: No'i chuye^.n
by "Caotri Nguyen" <caotri@axis.jeack.com.au>
7) Re: Books: Herman Hess
by "Hung M. La" <hung_la@ibm.net>
8) Re: Books: Herman Hess
by "Nguyen T. Lam" <lam@cptc.wisc.edu>
9) [Tin VNSA] Gia tru*o*?ng a<n so` huye^'t xong he^'t muo^'n ddo.c sa'ch!
by ianb@sun670.telecom.tandem.com (Ian Bui)
10) VN News (Mar 10-11/1997)
by vuca@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp (Vu Thanh Ca)
11) Re: DTH (Was Re: Va(n Pautovski va` ca'c vi. kha'c)
by vuca@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp (Vu Thanh Ca)
12) Re: Chu'c mu+`ng chi. em 8/3 + various
by Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
13) VN Buss. News (Mar. 11-1997)
by vuca@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp (Vu Thanh Ca)
14) Re: Va(n Pautovski va` ca'c vi. kha'c (was re: movie ...)
by Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
15) Re: So^' sie^u phu+'c
by Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
Topic No. 1
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 00:30:21 +0100 (MET)
From: Hong Lam Vu <vuh000@goofy.zdv.Uni-Mainz.de>
To: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: Chu'c mu+`ng chi. em 8/3 + various
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.970312001516.31916A-100000@berlioz.zdv.Uni-Mainz.DE>
Hi ba'c Tie^'n et al,
> Ba^y gio+` mo+'i tha^'y ngu+o+`i ta no'i pha?i
> Bao nhie^u chi' lo+'n trong thie^n ha.
> Chu+a no^?i chu+'a dda^`y ma('t my~ nha^n
> Ma` ca'c ba'c la`m gi` ma` cuo^'ng cuo^`ng va^.y ? Te^n, tuo^?i,
> ma(.t mu~i to^i co`n chu+a bie^'t\. Ca'i so^' to^i cha('c so^' con
> re^.p ro^`i
> Chu+?a bie^'t te^n na`ng bie^'t tuo^?i na`ng
> Ma` sa^`u trong da. dda~ mang mang
> Lo`ng anh nhu+ nu+o+'c ho^` thu dda^'y
> Mong ddu+o+.c Ha(`ng Nga chie^'u bo'ng va`ng
> Coi bo^. choa?ng nhau vo+'i ma^'y ba'c, su+'t dda^`u me? tra'n ma`
> va^~n chu+a bie^'t ta.i ai ma^'t\.
Ba'c ma` bie^'t dduo+.c ta.i ai ru`i, tui lo ba'c kho^ng co`n hu+'ng
choa?ng nhau nu+~a. A^'y che^'t, tui la?m nha?m nhu+~ng gi` the^' na`y.
A^'y cu~ng ta.i vi` tui chu+a bie^'t la` ta.i ai ma` mi`nh no'i na(ng
va(ng ma.ng the^' na`y dda^u nha'.
> Ba'c Ho^`ng La^m o+i, kho?i lo ddi\. DDi.nh ly' la` ca'i ma` con
> ngu+o+`i nghi~ ra thi` con ngu+o+`i cu~ng thay the^' no' ddu+o+.c\.
Hay la('m, tui tha^'y ba'c qua'n dduo+.c dda.o ru`i ddo'. Hu? le^'u tui
lie^`n co' ca^u sau dde^? ghi va`o sa'ch Le^'u tu+?:
Ddi.nh ly' la` ca'i ma` con nguo+`i nghi~ ra thi` no' cu~ng thay the^'
dduo+.c con nguo+`i. (Ca'i na`y ca'c ba'c Montesquieu, Marx hi`nh nhu+
cu~ng dda~ co' no'i, Le^'u tu+? chi? luo^.c la.i tho^i)
Ddi.nh thu` ta.c vo+'i ba'c ma^'y ba`i tho+ ti`nh, nhu+ng tie^'c la` co'
bao nhie^u tui dda~ che'p he^'t le^n ta(.ng chi. em ho^m 7/3 ru`i. Pha?i
cho+` khi na`o co' cuo^.c ti`nh tie^'p theo ddo^? vo+~ mo+'i la.i co' ba`i
tho+ mo+'i.
> PS: Cho+.t nho+' ma^'y ca^u tho+ sau, che'p ta(.ng
ca'c ba'c >
> Pha?i dda^y mu`a nho+' thu+o+ng nhau
> Chim dda^`u ngo.n gio' hoa dda^`u ca`nh mu+a
> Bie^'t ye^u thi` kho^? co' thu+`a
> Hi`nh dung mo^.t thoa'ng tu+o+ng tu+ chi'n chie^`u
> Xa nhau gio' i't la.nh nhie^`u
> Lu+?a khuya ta`n cha^.m chuo^ng chie^`u ddo^? nhanh
> ..............................
> DDe^m ve^` hu+o+ng nga't be^n hoa
> Ti?nh ra thi` la.i va^~n la` chie^m bao\.
> Tra^`n Huye^`n Tra^n
Topic No. 2
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 08:21:55 +0800
From: Yurong@oes.itri.org.tw
To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: Re: Books: Herman Hess
Message-ID: <48256458:0000A77D.00@oesns4.oes.itri.org.tw>
Hi, Cha`o anh Huy
>O+? Vie^^.t Nam ngu+o+`i ta co' -do.c sa'ch cua? Herman Hesse kho^^ng?
>-Do.c tie^^'ng Anh kho^^ng cho to^^i -du+o+.c ca'i thu' -do.c sa'ch
>nhu+ -do.c tie^^'ng Vie^^.t, chi? tru+` sa'ch cua? o^^ng na`y
Co' chu+', lu'c co`n o+? VN, to^^i khoa'i ddo.c cuo^^'n "Ca^^u chuye^^.n
cu?a do`ng so^^ng" , dda^^y la` sa'ch di.ch cu?a Herman Hesse. Te^^n tie^^'ng
Anh cu?a sa'ch na`y la` gi` to^^i dda~ que^^n. Cu~ng que^^n luo^^n te^^n ngu+o+`i
di.ch, chi? nho+' ra(`ng di.ch gi?a di.ch sa'ch na`y ra tie^^'ng Vie^^.t
ra^^'t tuye^^.t vo+`i, hay "he^^'t sa^^?y". Sau na`y to^^i ddo.c la.i sa'ch
na`y ba(`ng tie^^'ng Trung Hoa, te^^n sa'ch la` "Ta^^'t DDa.t DDa". So sa'nh
thi` tha^^'y di.ch gi?a Vie^^.t Nam di.ch tuye^^.t vo+`i, vu+o+.t tro^^.i ha(?n\.
Cu~ng tho+`i ddo' , ba.n be` cu?a tui cu~ng khoa'i cu. Herman Hesse la('m
>Nghe no'i o^^ng na`y la`
>tha^^`n tu+o+.ng cua? the^^' he^^. hippy (che^^'t chu+a, tui ho^^?ng co'
>hippy -da^^u nhe), kho^^ng bie^^'t the^^' he^^. tre? Vie^^.t Nam nghi~ gi` ve^^`
Tui khoa'i sa'ch cu?a o^^?ng, nhu+ng tui kho^^ng bie^^'t o^^ng na`y co' di'nh li'u
dde^^'n phong tra`o hippy kho^^ng, co`n tui thi` gentleman la('m, cha(?ng hippy
ti' na`o\.Tui co`n bie^^'t ai khoa'i Herman Hesse hi`nh nhu+ cu~Ng khoa'i trie^^'t
ho.c phu+o+ng DDo^^ng, trie^^'t ho.c Pha^^.t Gia'o v.v\.
Tha^^n cha`o
Topic No. 3
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 23:24:45 +1100
From: "Caotri Nguyen" <caotri@axis.jeack.com.au>
To: <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: [HELP] VN editor for NT 4.0
Message-ID: <199703120022.LAA24619@axis.jeack.com.au>
Front VNi bac co' the^? va`o www.vnisoft.com ma` download free.
Neu khong dduo.c thi` ba'c goi email toi se~ attatchment cho ba'c mot so^'
> From: Vu Quoc HUNG <hung@vsb.cz>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
> Subject: [HELP] VN editor for NT 4.0
> Date: Tuesday, March 11, 1997 9:43 PM
> Hi ca'c ba'c va` ca'c chi,
> Da.o nay toi co' va`i vie.c pha?i viet va` ddo.c tieng Vie.t, xong ma^'y
> ca'i editor nhu+ cu?a ho.i chuyen gia vn k0 du`ng ddu+o+c trong NT 4.0,
> va^.y muon ho?i xem co' ai co' ca'i editor na`o du`ng dduoc trong nt 4.0
> thi` len tieng cho ba` con nho+`. Ve va^'n dde copyright :-((( co' le~
> ca'c ba'c cu+ e-mail rieng cho toi. Va? la.i tren vnsa-l mo+i co' khoa?ng
> 215 members nen cha(c van dde na`y k0 nghiem tro.ng la(m. :-)))))
> Hai, toi co' va`i file ms word .doc files tieng Viet, muon ddo.c va` in
> no', nhu+ng k0 co' may cai fo^n VNI-Helve va` VNI-* va^.y ba'c na`o gi'up
> dduoc thi` ca`ng tot. Toi biet cha(c la` may ba'c admins ra`nh chuye.n
> na`y la(m.
> Ca'i URL cu?a ba'c Toan (toan@usa.net)
> k0 to^`n ta.i, dde^` nghi. ba'c dde^? la^u the^m 1 chu't.
> Hi vo.ng ca'c ba'c gi'up.
> , ,
> ("\''/").___..--''"`-._
> `o_ o ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`)
> (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' Me`o tra(ng hay me`o dden
> _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' .' mie^~n thi.t ngon la` ddu+o+.c
> (il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'
> Hung.
> +---------------------------+----------------------------------------+
> "Bill Gate's daughter will be the best product from MS".
Topic No. 4
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 19:33:56 +0000
From: "Hung M. La" <hung_la@ibm.net>
To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: Re: No'i chuye^.n
Message-ID: <199703120038.AAA20885@out2.ibm.net>
> Hi folks,
> Ca^`n ti`m ngu+o+`i co' microphone, speaker, du`ng Netscape Comunicator
> 4.0 tre^n ma'y ti'nh dde^? no'i chuye^.n thu+? nghie^.m.
> --
Hi anh Trung!
Please go to IBM site to pick up ICphone (internet connection phone
ver sion 2.0 for Win 95/NT). This is a very simple app which runs
well with high quality sound. If that is aggreable we can talk over
the net at a preset time. Both parties have to connected to theIBM
IC phone server vai the internet, of course.
Topic No. 5
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 19:43:35 +0000
From: "Hung M. La" <hung_la@ibm.net>
To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: Chuye^.n Me`o
Message-ID: <199703120045.AAA82323@out2.ibm.net>
> >
> > , ,
> > ("\''/").___..--''"`-._
> > `o_ o ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`)
> > (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' Me`o tra(ng hay me`o dden
> > _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' .' mie^~n thi.t ngon la` ddu+o+.c
> > (il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'
> >
> Hi Hu`ng,
> Hay la('m. Ca^u na`y se~ ghi va`o tuye^?n ta^.p Le^'u tu+? Ca^.u ve~ com
> me`o ba(`ng ca'ch na`o dda^'y, chi? cho to+' vo+'i.
Hi anh Hu`ng & La^m
Hi`nh nhu+ DDa(.ng Tie^?u Bi`nh co' mo^.t ca^u tu+o+ng tu+.:
Me`o tra('ng hay me`o dden
Mie^~n ba('t chuo^.t gio?i la` ddu+o+.c.
Hu`ng (another one)
Topic No. 6
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 23:30:59 +1100
From: "Caotri Nguyen" <caotri@axis.jeack.com.au>
To: <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: No'i chuye^.n
Message-ID: <199703120119.MAA27115@axis.jeack.com.au>
Ta.i ha. cung ddang ti'nh tu*? dday nhung ma` netscape communication 4.0
ta.i ha. khong co'. Hon nua ta.i ha. connect va`o internet via modem 28.8.
Ta.i ha/. ddang du`ng netmeeting cu?A microsoft.
> From: Le Minh Trung <trung@ait.ac.th>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
> Subject: No'i chuye^.n
> Date: Wednesday, March 12, 1997 1:57 AM
> Hi folks,
> Ca^`n ti`m ngu+o+`i co' microphone, speaker, du`ng Netscape Comunicator
> 4.0 tre^n ma'y ti'nh dde^? no'i chuye^.n thu+? nghie^.m.
> --
> Le Minh Trung
> Asian Institute of Technology, STAR Program
> P.O. Box 4 KlongLuang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
> Internet: http://www.rsl.ait.ac.th/Trung/
> Tel. (662) 524 5585 Fax. (662) 524 6147
Topic No. 7
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 20:43:39 +0000
From: "Hung M. La" <hung_la@ibm.net>
To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: Re: Books: Herman Hess
Message-ID: <199703120143.BAA184660@out1.ibm.net>
> Subject: Re: Books: Herman Hess
Hi anh Huy & Vinh!
To^i cu~ dda~ ddo.c CCCGS. Bie^'t l`a hay la('m nhu+ng tuo^?i ddo+`i
cho^`ng cha^'t que^n be'ng ca? ro^`i :((.
Mo^.t truye^.n kha'c cua? o^ng Hess to^i mo+'i ddo.c ca'ch dda^y
khoa?ng 20 na(m hi`nh nhu+ tu+.a true^.n la` Knuff (spelling?)
P.S.: WRT age I can be seen as one of the last hippies :))
> Hi, Cha`o anh Huy
> >O+? Vie^^.t Nam ngu+o+`i ta co' -do.c sa'ch cua? Herman Hesse kho^^ng?
> >-Do.c tie^^'ng Anh kho^^ng cho to^^i -du+o+.c ca'i thu' -do.c sa'ch
> >nhu+ -do.c tie^^'ng Vie^^.t, chi? tru+` sa'ch cua? o^^ng na`y
> Co' chu+', lu'c co`n o+? VN, to^^i khoa'i ddo.c cuo^^'n "Ca^^u chuye^^.n
> cu?a do`ng so^^ng" , dda^^y la` sa'ch di.ch cu?a Herman Hesse. Te^^n tie^^'ng
> Anh cu?a sa'ch na`y la` gi` to^^i dda~ que^^n. Cu~ng que^^n luo^^n te^^n ngu+o+`i
> di.ch, chi? nho+' ra(`ng di.ch gi?a di.ch sa'ch na`y ra tie^^'ng Vie^^.t
> ra^^'t tuye^^.t vo+`i, hay "he^^'t sa^^?y". Sau na`y to^^i ddo.c la.i sa'ch
> na`y ba(`ng tie^^'ng Trung Hoa, te^^n sa'ch la` "Ta^^'t DDa.t DDa". So sa'nh
> thi` tha^^'y di.ch gi?a Vie^^.t Nam di.ch tuye^^.t vo+`i, vu+o+.t tro^^.i ha(?n\.
> Cu~ng tho+`i ddo' , ba.n be` cu?a tui cu~ng khoa'i cu. Herman Hesse la('m
> la('m\.
> >Nghe no'i o^^ng na`y la`
> >tha^^`n tu+o+.ng cua? the^^' he^^. hippy (che^^'t chu+a, tui ho^^?ng co'
> >hippy -da^^u nhe), kho^^ng bie^^'t the^^' he^^. tre? Vie^^.t Nam nghi~ gi` ve^^`
> >o^^~ng.
> Tui khoa'i sa'ch cu?a o^^?ng, nhu+ng tui kho^^ng bie^^'t o^^ng na`y co' di'nh li'u
> gi`
> dde^^'n phong tra`o hippy kho^^ng, co`n tui thi` gentleman la('m, cha(?ng hippy
> ti' na`o\.Tui co`n bie^^'t ai khoa'i Herman Hesse hi`nh nhu+ cu~Ng khoa'i trie^^'t
> ho.c phu+o+ng DDo^^ng, trie^^'t ho.c Pha^^.t Gia'o v.v\.
> Tha^^n cha`o
> Vinh
Topic No. 8
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 19:53:19 -0600 (CST)
From: "Nguyen T. Lam" <lam@cptc.wisc.edu>
To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: Re: Books: Herman Hess
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970311190448.28042A-100000@ace.cptc.wisc.edu>
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997 Yurong@oes.itri.org.tw wrote:
> Co' chu+', lu'c co`n o+? VN, to^^i khoa'i ddo.c cuo^^'n "Ca^^u chuye^^.n
> cu?a do`ng so^^ng" , dda^^y la` sa'ch di.ch cu?a Herman Hesse. Te^^n tie^^'ng
> Anh cu?a sa'ch na`y la` gi` to^^i dda~ que^^n. Cu~ng que^^n luo^^n te^^n ngu+o+`i
> di.ch, chi? nho+' ra(`ng di.ch gi?a di.ch sa'ch na`y ra tie^^'ng Vie^^.t
> ra^^'t tuye^^.t vo+`i, hay "he^^'t sa^^?y". Sau na`y to^^i ddo.c la.i sa'ch
> na`y ba(`ng tie^^'ng Trung Hoa, te^^n sa'ch la` "Ta^^'t DDa.t DDa". So sa'nh
> thi` tha^^'y di.ch gi?a Vie^^.t Nam di.ch tuye^^.t vo+`i, vu+o+.t tro^^.i ha(?n\.
> Cu~ng tho+`i ddo' , ba.n be` cu?a tui cu~ng khoa'i cu. Herman Hesse la('m
> la('m\.
Tu+.a tie^'ng -DDu+'c cu?a cuo^'n na`y la` "Siddharta". Trong cuo^'n na`y,
Hesse tri`nh ba`y quan nie^.m cu?a mi`nh ve^` -Du+'c Pha^.t. Va`o khoa?ng
1974, cuo^'n na`y -da~ -du+o+.c le^n ma`n a?nh. Phim du`ng ta`i tu+? va`
phong ca?nh A^'n -Do^.. Cu~ng kha' hay, nhu+ng kho^ng -du+o+.c su+.
hu+o+?ng u+'ng -du'ng mu+'c cu?a kha'n gia?. Co' le~ ta.i vi` lu'c -do'
phong tra`o hippy -da~ xuo^'ng.
N. T. La^m
Topic No. 9
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 20:10:46 -0600
From: ianb@sun670.telecom.tandem.com (Ian Bui)
To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: [Tin VNSA] Gia tru*o*?ng a<n so` huye^'t xong he^'t muo^'n ddo.c sa'ch!
Message-ID: <9703120210.AA02346@zoo.tpmsdev>
Vi` la` digester ne^n la^u la^u to*' mo*i' co' thu* VNSA dde^? nhai,
nhai ro^i` ma` muo^'n nho*i la.i tu*`ng dde^` tai` rie^ng cu~ng ho*i
nho.c, cho ne^n xin phe'p ba` con cho to*' cuo^'i nga`y gom la.i
reply mo^.t la^`n cho no' tie^.n. Ba'c nao` muo^'n reply rie^ng
mo^.t sub-thread nao` thi` cu*' ca<'t xe'n tu*. nhie^n nha'. Mie^~n
ddu*`ng include nguye^n cai' message to^? bo^' la` to*' mu*`ng ro^`i
(vi` se~ ddo*~ phai? ngo^`i page down nu*a? buo^i? dde^? to*'i khu'c
mi`nh ca^`n phai? ddo.c :))
> Nghe noi da^~n ba.n ga'i ddi a(n Oyster la` mo^.t offer ra^'t agressive
> kho^ng bie^'t ddu'ng sai the^' na`o. Dda'ng ra anh pha?i no'i dde^'n
> Oyster tru+o+'c 8/3 cho anh em co' di.p thi tho^' cho+'. :))
To*' cu~ng co' "nghe noi'" the^' nhu*ng phai? thu' thu*.c
vo*i' cac' bac' ra<ng` minh` chu*a kie^?m chu*'ng ddu*o*.c
ba<`ng "empirical evidence" ne^n dda^u dam' qua?ng cao' a^u?.
Rui? bac' nao` nga^y tho* tin ba^.y lam` thu*? dde^? ro^i` bi.
"tie^`n ma^t' ta^.t mang" (hay bi. "sao sao" ddo' :)) thi` to*'
se~ phai? a<n noi' the^' nao` cho no' go.n dda^y ??!!
Nhu*ng ddo' la` noi' chuye^.n mo*`i ba.n gai' kia, chu*' co`n
ne^'u nhu* mo*`i "chi. ho." ddi a<n oyster thi` theo to*' vie^.c
ddo' co' le~ ra^'t ne^n thu*?. It' ra cu~ng dde^? tra<'c nghie^.m
ba<`ng cac' phu*o*ng pha'p "khoa ho.c" ;)) xem hu* thu*.c ra sao.
(Dda`ng nao` no' cu~ng tro^i tuo^n` tuo^.t ca? a^y' ma`!!! :)))
(xin lo^~i ca'c ba'c gai' nhe', nha` chau' la.i bi. Pavlovian
behavior nu*~a ro^`i... ro~ kho^?...)
Ba'c La^m, ba'c la`m chi ma` ghe^ go*'m, "phong" cho to*' cai'
title su* phu. nghe he^'t ho^`n he^'t via' :)) Dda~ va^.y ga<.p
to*' la` ngu*o*i` "anti-phong-kie^'n" nu*~a mo*'i kho^? chu*'!
(To*' noi' nho? cai' nay` cho bac' nghe, tie^ng' Anh cua? to*'
no' cu~ng co`n nhie^u` cho^~ to^`i la<'m, la<'m khi ddo.c
sa'ch cua? tu.i My~ ma` tha^y' ma<'c co*~ he^'t su*'c.)
Chu*~ "gia tru*o*?ng" bac' du`ng ca'ch ddo' thu' tha^.t to*'
mo*i' nghe dda^y la^`n dda^`u. Tru*o*'c khi ti`m ra ddu'ng chu*~
dde^? di.ch sang tie^'ng Anh co' le~ ba'c ca^`n cho bie^'t the^m
y' nghia~, go^'c ga'c cu?a tu*` nay`. Paternalism co' the^? hie^?u
theo nhie^`u kie^?u, bie^'t dda^u du`ng dde^? di.ch khai' nie^.m
"gia tru*o*?ng" cu~ng o^?n. Nhu*ng ne^'u no'i ve^` ca'ch su*? du.ng
tho^ng thu*o*`ng thi` chu*~ Paternalistic thu*o*`ng a'm chi? mo^.t
ca'i gi` kho^ng ddu*o*.c hay cho la<'m (i.e. having negative
connotations) trong khi chu*~ "gia tru*o*?ng" to*' nghe co' ve?
nhe. nha`ng va` neutral ho*n nhie^u` (hay la` dda^y la` ca'ch
du`ng mo*'i sau nay` tho^i ?)
Ma^y' ba'c ke^? chuye^.n ddo.c sa'ch Nga to*' nghe vao` cha<?ng kha'c
nao` vi.t nghe sa^'m! Nhu*ng cu~ng hay, nho*` va^.y mi`nh la.i bie^'t
the^m mo^.t lo^ ca'c ta'c pha^?m/ta'c gia? trong kho ta`ng va<n ho.c
the^' gio*i'. Thanks! :))
DDe^? tra? le^~, xin gio*'i thie^.u vo*'i ca'c ba'c va`i ta'c gia?
My~ to*' thi'ch (dda so^' thuo^.c the^? loa.i science fiction hay
surreal kie^?u Salvador Dali): Kurt Vonnegut Jr, Ray Bradbury,
William Burrough, Franz Kafka (he may be too much for some),
Isaac Asimov, Theodore Sturgeon (whose "More Than Human" is
very recommendable). Con` ca'c ta'c gia? classic thi` co' le~
ca'c ba'c bie^'t ro^`i, kho?i ke^ ra dda^y lam` chi .
Ne^'u ba'c nao` chu*a tu*`ng ddo.c Vonnegut va` muo^'n thu*? thi`
to*' nghi~ ne^n ti`m quye^?n "Cat's Cradle". Bao? dda?m... :))
Topic No. 10
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 97 11:24:04 JST
From: vuca@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp (Vu Thanh Ca)
To: viet-khsv@is.aist-nara.ac.jp, vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: VN News (Mar 10-11/1997)
Message-ID: <9703120224.AA07949@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp>
Mar 11: Japan, Vietnam to hold bilateral economic talks
Mar 11: Vietnam, Japan to expand defense exchanges
Mar 11: Vietnamese boat people stage sit-in protests over forced...
Mar 11: Vietnam rejects HK go-slow claim on boatpeople
Mar 11: Hanoi plots out strict control of satellite dish use
Mar 10: Thai foreign and commerce ministers to visit Vietnam
Tuesday - Mar 11, 1997
Japan, Vietnam to hold bilateral economic talks
TOKYO (Kyodo News) -- Japan and Vietnam will hold a second
round of bilateral economic talks
next Tuesday in Hanoi, a Foreign Ministry official said Tuesday.
The meeting will discuss the promotion of business cooperation and
Japan's investments in Vietnam, the official said.
Japan's delegation, comprising government officials and
representatives of private economic organizations such as the Federation
of Economic Organizations (Keidanren), will ask Vietnam to build
infrastructure to help increase Japan's investments, the official said.
The first round of talks was held in January last year in Tokyo.
Tuesday - Mar 11, 1997
Vietnam, Japan to expand defense exchanges
TOKYO -- Vietnam's Vice Minister of National Defense Lt. Gen. Tran Hanh on
Tuesday agreed with Japan's State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Masahiko
Komura to promote exchanges between defense officials of the two
countries, a Foreign Ministry official said.
Hanh, who is on a weeklong visit to Japan from Monday, also asked that
Vietnamese trainees be accepted for training at Japan's Defense Academy
and other educational organizations.
Hanh will meet with Defense Agency chief Fumio Kyuma on Wednesday to
discuss promotion of bilateral dialogue among defense officials, the
official said.
Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto extended the invitation for Hanh's
visit to Japan when he visited Vietnam in January as part of a
five-nation tour of Association of Southeast Asian Nations member
states. -- Japan Economic Newswire
Tuesday - Mar 11, 1997
Vietnamese boat people stage sit-in protests over forced...
HONG KONG (AFP) - Around 100 Vietnamese boatpeople in
Hong Kong's only remaining detention camp staged a sit-in protest
Tuesday but failed to prevent the forced return of 102 fellow
asylum-seekers, sources said.
The Vietnamese protested against Hong Kong's forced repatriation
programme and demanded that UN refugee chief Sadako Ogata, making
her first visit to the territory, inspect their camp, witnesses
They climbed on to the roof of their dormitories in Whitehead
detention centre shortly after midnight, but climbed down after two
hours, a government spokesman said.
There was no violence but prison guards and police officers
beefed up security, he said.
Hours later, a group of 102 Vietnamese boat people, comprising
71 men, 16 women and 15 children, was flown to Hanoi under a
government's forced repatriation programme.
The latest group brought to 9,802 the total number of Vietnamese
asylum-seekers forced home since the programme was launched in
November 1991 with the aim of returning boatpeople deemed economic
China is demanding Hong Kong be cleared of all illegal
immigrants before the British colony returns to Chinese sovereignty
on July 1.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ogata left Hong
Kong Tuesday after a two-day visit, the UNHCR said.
She visited an open camp housing boatpeople who have refugee
status, but did not go to Whitehead, where conditions have been
strongly criticised by non-government organisations helping to care
for the migrants.
On Sunday, the New York-based organisation Human Rights Watch
issued a report accusing the Hong Kong government and the UNHCR of
making living conditions in the camps virtually intolerable in
order to meet the Chinese deadline.
The allegations were strongly denied Monday by a Hong Kong
government spokesman.
Of the 214,000 Vietnamese who have arrived in Hong Kong since
the exodus started, 143,000 had been resettled in third countries,
and 65,000 had returned to Vietnam, Ogata said Monday.
That left about "about 4,000" in detention camps, who are
considered non-refugees, and 1,300 in open camps who have refugee
status and are awaiting resettlement, she said.
Hong Kong immigration officials gave a provisional estimate that
after Tuesday's repatriation, there were 4,436 boatpeople still
The Vietnamese boatpeople have a negative image in Hong Kong,
generated by reports of crime and occasional clashes between camp
residents and guards.
Tuesday - Mar 11, 1997
Vietnam rejects HK go-slow claim on boatpeople
Hanoi (Reuter) - Vietnam rejected suggestions on Tuesday it was dragging its
heels over plans to repatriate the last boatpeople from Hong Kong, but said
it would only accept returnees of proven Vietnamese nationality.
A foreign ministry spokesman said about half the 4,500 remaining boatpeople
in Hong Kong were either non-Vietnamese or people whose links with Vietnam
were unclear.
``From the past until now, Vietnam has made clear its consistent attitude
to resolving the boatpeople issue, which is that Vietnam will only accept
the repatriation of those who hold Vietnamese nationality,'' he said,
reading from a statement.
He added that Hanoi has asked Hong Kong for further details of boatpeople
whose nationality was uncertain.
``Until now the repatriation of those accepted by the Vietnamese side
absolutely depends on the arrangements of the Hong Kong and British
authorities. Vietnam has always expressed its readiness to receive
those people in large numbers.''
Hong Kong's boatpeople are among the last of a vast exodus
which began fleeing their homeland in the 1970s following the
communist victory in the Vietnam war.
However, complicating matters is the fact that some are ethnic
who left Vietnam following a bloody 1979 border war with China.
Both China and Vietnam have appeared unwilling so far to accept these people
as their own.
The foreign ministry official said Vietnam was in the process of seeking a
meeting with Hong Kong officials and the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees aimed at speeding up the repatriation process.
Hong Kong is due to revert to Chinese rule at midnight on June 30 and the
British colony's government has been under pressure to ensure its vast
refugee detention camps are emptied ahead of this date.
Tuesday - Mar 11, 1997
Hanoi plots out strict control of satellite dish use
HANOI (AFP) - Hanoi has mapped out its strategy
for strictly controlling use of satellite dishes
countrywide that will come into force on April 1, a
government official said Tuesday.
An official from the Hanoi Information and Culture Service
(HICS) told AFP that his office will team up with local
police to pull down illegal satellite dishes and impose
The official explained the crackdown will be enforced
because "there are unequal levels of education among people
and information is from many directions."
Other government leaders have spoken out against unlimited
access to the airwaves as a potentially destabilizing force
in Vietnamese society.
Fines of up to 50 dollars or more will be levied against
illegal users, he said.
Only senior officials, government bodies, foreign press
agencies, non governmental agencies, licenced foreign
businesses, diplomats and hotels rated at two or more stars
will be authorised to use satellite dishes, he said.
The ban on illegal satellite use will come into effect on
April 1 following a decree passed by the government's
office on January 1.
The official was unable to provide an estimate of the
number of illegal satellite dishes, but a cursory glance of
Hanoi rooftops reveals that their use is widespread.
Monday - Mar 10, 1997
Thai foreign and commerce ministers to visit Vietnam
BANGKOK (AFP) - Thai foreign minister Prachuab Chaiyasarn and commerce
minister Narongchai Akrasenee will visit Vietnam March 12-14
to discuss bilateral cooperation, a foreign ministry spokesman
said here Monday.
The major topics under discussion will be resolving disputes
over fishing territorial waters and a highway project connecting
northeastern Thailand with the Vietnamese coast through Laos,
spokesman Surapong Jayanama said.
Thailand will also discuss issues related to overlapping claims
in the Gulf of Thailand.
"During the visit, Thailand and Vietnam will sign an agreement
on visa exemptions for government officials and diplomats and an
agreement on scientific cooperation," he said.
The Thai delegation will include deputy transportation and
communications minister Pinit Charusombat, and Somboon Rahong,
advisor to the Prime Minister on security affairs.
They will pay courtesy calls on communist party secretary
general Do Muoi and Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet, Surapong said.
Narongchai was expected to ask for support for Thai businessmen
during meetings with his counterpart, Le Van Triet, and the
secretary of the Vietnam Trade and Industry Association.
Thai Prime Minister Chaowalit Yongchaiyydh is to visit Vietnam
March 30-31.
Topic No. 11
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 97 11:56:56 JST
From: vuca@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp (Vu Thanh Ca)
To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: Re: DTH (Was Re: Va(n Pautovski va` ca'c vi. kha'c)
Message-ID: <9703120256.AA07992@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp>
Ba'c Tie^'n va` ca? la`ng tha^n me^'n,
Cu~ng nhu+ ca'c DHS kha'c, to^i ddo.c ra^'t nhie^`u va(n
Nga va` ra^'t thi'ch. To^i ra^'t muo^'n tham gia va`o ca'i dde^` ta`i
Va(n Nga nhu+ng thu' tha^.t la` tho+`i gian qua' eo he.p.
At 8:57 AM 97.3.11 -0600, Dinh Thi Thanh Huong wrote:
>> Hu+o+ng co`n nho+' truye^.n nga('n "Mu`a thu la.i ve^`" kho^ng. Ba` DTH
>> truye^.n na`y khoa?ng 1982. DDa^y la` Truye^.n mi`nh thi'ch nha^'t.
>Chuye^.n na`y nhu+ the^' na`o ha? ba'c Ca? Ddo.c nhie^`u truye^.n cua? ba`
>DTH nhu+ng kho^ng nho+' dda^`u dde^`.
>Best, Huong
Truye^.n ve^` hai ngu+o+`i ho.c sinh ca^'p 3 que^ ga^`n thi. xa~ Ba('c Ninh,
cu+' sa'ng sa'ng cu`ng nhau ddi do.c hai bo+` mu+o+ng dde^'n tru+o+`ng. Mu`a
thu dde^'n vo+'i nhu+~ng bo^ng hoa vo`i voi be^n bo+` mu+o+ng... Ro^`i
anh con trai ddi bo^. ddo^.i, bi. bom che^'t o+? Tha'i Nguye^n. Ngu+o+`i
con ga'i o+? la.i, ddau kho^? da^`n cu~ng nguo^i ngoai. Chi. ho.c DDa.i
Ho.c Su+ Pha.m, to^'t nghie^.p. la^'y cho^`ng, luo^n ba^.n vo+'i vie^.c gia
ddi`nh, lo a(n ho.c cho con, lo sa('m the^m ca'i tu? la.nh... va` ga^`n nhu+
que^n ba(~ng anh ddi. Nhu+ng ro^`i mu`a thu la.i ve^` vo+'i nhu+~ng bo^ng
hoa vo`i voi... va` chi. nho+' la.i nhu+~ng ky? nie^.m xu+a, quye^'t ddi.nh
se~ ti`m le^n Tha'i Nguye^n, no+i dda(.t mo^. anh mo^.t la^`n.
DDa.i loa.i la` truye^.n nhu+ va^.y, dda(ng tre^n ba'o Va(n Nghe^. 1982.
To^i lu'c ddo' dda~ to^'t nghie^.p dda.i ho.c 2 na(m, ddang o+? bie^n gio+'i;
ra^'t me^'n mo^. Du+o+ng Thu Hu+o+ng, coi DTH la` mo^.t trong
nhu+~ng ta'c gia? to^i thi'ch nha^'t.
Topic No. 12
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 22:20:59 -0500 (EST)
From: Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
To: "Nguyen T. Lam" <lam@cptc.wisc.edu>
Cc: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: Chu'c mu+`ng chi. em 8/3 + various
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.970311221551.26276B-100000@lynx.cat.syr.edu>
Hi Anh Lam,
Anh nha^`m Pha.m Tha'i ( Pha.m Tha'i -Quy`nh Nhu+) Vo+'i Pha.m Ho^`ng
Tha'i. Hai ngu+o+`i so^'ng ca'ch nhau hai tra(m na(m.
Pha.m Ho^`ng Tha'i ti'nh ti`nh nghie^m trang dda^u co' no'i ca` cho+'n
nhu+ o^ng na't ru+o+.u Pha.m Tha'i. Mo+`i anh ddo.c Tie^u So+n Tra'ng Si~
cu?a Kha'i HU+ng.
Ta(.ng anh ca^u cu?a Pha.m Ho^`ng Tha'i:
Vie^.c nu+o+'c xu+a nay co' ba.i tha`nh
Mie^~n sao giu+~ tro.n ddu+o+.c thanh danh
Phu.c thu` chi' lo+'n kho^ng he^` na?n
Ngo.c na't co`n ho+n giu+~ ngo'i la`nh.
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Nguyen T. Lam wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Tran Minh Tien wrote:
> >
> > Ba'c An Ha?i lu+o+.m ddu+o+.c tin chi ddo' ma` do.a to^i va^.y ?
> > Ba^y gio+` mo+'i tha^'y ngu+o+`i ta no'i pha?i
> >
> > Bao nhie^u chi' lo+'n trong thie^n ha.
> > Chu+a no^?i chu+'a dda^`y ma('t my~ nha^n
> Hi`nh nhu+ mo^.t thoa.i kha'c cu?a 2 ca^u na`y la` :
> Ho+~i o+i chi' lo+'n trong thie^n ha.
> Go'p la.i kho^ng -da^`y ma('t my~ nha^n.
> To^i nghi~ 2 ca^u na`y cu?a J. Leiba, nhu+ng co' ngu+o+`i cho ra(`ng ta'c
> gia? 2 ca^u na`y la` Pha.m Ho^`ng Tha'i#. Mong ca'c ba.n cho bie^'t y'
> kie^'n.
> N. T. La^m
Topic No. 13
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 97 12:29:12 JST
From: vuca@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp (Vu Thanh Ca)
To: viet-khsv@is.aist-nara.ac.jp, vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
Subject: VN Buss. News (Mar. 11-1997)
Message-ID: <9703120329.AA08021@envi.env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp>
Mar 11: Asian Cash Rice Flat; Indonesia Seen Buying Vietnamese
Mar 11: Vietnam Retail Sales Up 23% In 1996 Vs 1995 - Report
Mar 11: Hanoi to impose stiff fines on violators of foreign business licences
Tuesday, Mar 11, 1997
Asian Cash Rice Flat; Indonesia Seen Buying Vietnamese
SINGAPORE (Dow Jones)--Cash rice offers are holding steady late
Tuesday in Asia as sellers in Vietnam await Indonesia buying, trade
sources said.
'We're now waiting for Indonesia,' said a trader in Ho Chi Minh city.
'As far as I know, they will buy about 500,000-600,000 tons of
Vietnamese rice this year. Reliable (government) sources have said Bulog
is interested in buying Vietnamese rice, but we haven't received any
official enquiry yet.'
Meanwhile, at the Ho Chi Minh city port, vessels bound for the
Philippines and Malaysia are being loaded with 25% broken rice and 100%
white rice respectively. According to the trader in Ho Chi Minh city,
some 30,000 tons of 100% white rice concluded at more than $300/ton,
FOB, with the Vietnam Southern Food Corp. are still waiting to be
shipped to Malaysia. The agency is currently offering the rice at
$306/ton, FOB.
Shipments to the Philippines will take place from March to May, with
the initial order of 100,000 tons expected to be shipped by April and
the additional order of 100,000 tons to be shipped from April to May,
said the Ho Chi Minh city trader.
Offers for Vietnamese 25% brokens are unchanged at $235-$237/ton,
while offers from Vietnam Southern Food Corp. are heard steady around
$255/ton, compared with $245/ton last week.
Elsewhere, offers for the 25% broken rice are at $245/ton in India,
$270/ton in Thailand and $215/ton in Pakistan.
In India, the market is very quiet, with traders saying they don't
expect to see any significant buyers this year except for Saudi Arabia.
'They have been buying Indian rice and are still showing buying
interest,' said a trader in Bombay.
He said Saudi Arabia bought some 250,000 tons of 0-4% long-grain
brokens in the last six months at $300-$330/ton on a cost and freight
basis, Saudi Arabian port, and some 150,000 tons of basmati rice.
'By the end of the year, their imports may reach 300,000 tons and that
will be 30%-40% above their average imports,' said the Bombay trader.
'Otherwise, it has been very quiet. There isn't much enquiries. People
are just going to Pakistan.'
Tuesday, Mar 11, 1997
Vietnam Retail Sales Up 23% In 1996 Vs 1995 - Report
Hanoi (AP, Dow Jones) -- Vietnamese retail sales increased 23% to 145 trillion
dong (about $12.5 billion) in 1996 from the year before, the Ministry of Trade
said, according to an official media report Tuesday.
<p>The figures were released at a government conference evaluating market
management in 1996, the English-language Vietnam News said.
No comparative 1995 data were provided.
Vietnam's gross domestic product in 1996 was about 259 trillion dong,
according to preliminary government data.
Trade Minister Le Van Triet told the conference the trading sector
must focus on increasing exports, in particular the volume of processed
Vietnam's trade deficit in 1996 was nearly $4.00 billion, or about 17%
of gross domestic product. Narrowing that gap is a government priority
for 1997.
According to the article, delegates at the conference agreed: 'State
management must be utilized to ensure that the trading sector promotes
both the market economy and socialist values.'
Tuesday, Mar 11, 1997
Hanoi to impose stiff fines on violators of foreign business licences
HANOI (AFP) - Hanoi will impose fines of up to
80,000 dollars on foreign businesses which violate the
terms of their licences, the Vietnam News reported Tuesday.
The new maximum penalty, announced by deputy trade minister
Mai Van Dau will be nearly ten times the previous fine of
9,000 dollars.
The new fines came just one week after Peregrine Capital
Vietnam and its affiliates were fined a total of 100,000
dollars for violating the terms of their representative
Dau said the government had increased penalities as old
levels were too low to deter violations.
Existing penalities meant "nothing to representative
offices of foreign companies who intentionally break the
law for lucrative transactions," Dau was quoted as saying.
He also said existing regulations on activities of
companies engaged in insurance, banking, tour agencies and
advertising needed tightening.
Topic No. 14
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 22:06:01 -0500 (EST)
From: Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
To: Viet Hai NGUYEN <VietHai.Nguyen@di.epfl.ch>
Cc: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: Va(n Pautovski va` ca'c vi. kha'c (was re: movie ...)
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.970311220449.26276A-100000@lynx.cat.syr.edu>
Toi la.i nho+' la` cu?a Alex TolstoCi
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Viet Hai NGUYEN wrote:
> > ma.ng cu~ng hay day chu+'. Co' ba'c na`o da ddo.c Tarat Bunba
> > (bumba?). Truyen cu+.c hay va` ca?m ddo.ng. Chang nho chinh xac ten
> > ta'c gia? nua, chi lang ma'ng la cu?a mot ong rat noi tieng. Ba'c na`o co`n nho+'
> Cu?a Go^-go^n ?
> VH
Topic No. 15
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 22:57:17 -0500 (EST)
From: Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
To: Hong Lam Vu <vuh000@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>
Cc: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: So^' sie^u phu+'c
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.970311224548.26276F-100000@lynx.cat.syr.edu>
Hi Anh Lam,
Hypercomplex numbers are extensions of complex ones.
It is quaternion that you mentioned. Beyond that we still have octonions.
It is proven that no more extension is possible. The application of
Octonions is not very convincing while quaternions do have relations with
The fundamental ( smallest) realization of quaternions are 2 by 2
matrices spaned by Pauli matrices.
The power of complex numbers was that you have two quantities that can
turn into each other during some change. ( Don't use complex numbers if
two things are independent). So Thie^.n A'c can be described well by
complexe numbers. Quaternions can play a game with four quantities and
octonions with eight. The hierarchy is as follows: quaternions don't commute
while the algebra of octonions is not associative.
It would be good to think about the significance of these properties.
But agian you expand a set by loosing properties as in my triagle story.
On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Hong Lam Vu wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Hu? le^'u tui di ho.c thi` do^'t nha^'t lo+'p ve6` toa'n, thi DH thi`
> suy't ro+'t ddi ta^y chi? vi` ddie^?m toa'n, dda~ kho^ng bie^'t gi` ve^`
> to'an la.i cu+' thi'ch no'i chuye^.n so^' ma'. Nha^n ba'c Paul raise vu.
> so^' a^m so^' duo=ng le^n, tui intuitively nho+' co' la^`n ddo.c dda6u
> ddo' ve^` so^' sie^u phu+'c cu?a o^ng Hamilton co' da.ng a + bi + cj + dk,
> trong ddo' i^2=j^2=k^2= -1,
> ij=-ji, ik=-ki, jk=-kj.
> Ca'c ba'c hu? toa'n (ba'c Zu~ng, etc.) va` hu? ly' (ba'c So+n, ba'c
> Tie^'n, etc.) la`m o+n cho bie^'t u+'ng du.ng cu?a so^' sie^u phu+'c
> na`y vo+'i, ma` so^' sie^u phu+'c na`y ta ne^n hie^?u la` the^' na`o ho+?
> ca'c ba'c?? Nghe no'i co' lie^n quan dde^'n spin.
> Thanks in advance.
> La^m.
> On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Paul Pham wrote:
> >
> > sorry, need helps on another topic: representation of
> > floating point in Digital computer ..
> >
> > assume real-number is represented as 32-bits as follows:
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > fraction ! exponent
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > 24 bits for fraction 8 bits for exponent
> >
> > the 1st bits of fraction and exponent is sign bit
> >
> > the floating point must be normalized ;ie that the first bit and second
> > bit in the fraction must be of opposite sign. for example
> >
> > positive number 0 1 .......
> > negative number 1 0 .......
> >
> > so a real number is computed as +- a * (2 ** b)
> > where 0.5 <= abs(a) <= 1.0 (abs = absolute value)
> > and -128 <= b <= 127
> >
> > question: given a real number, need an alogorithm to convert it
> > into the above machine reprensentation.
> > PDP
> >
> >
> > hi all,
> >
> > assume: negative integer is represented in digital computer
> > as 2 complement and assume 4 bits computer
> >
> > so -3 looks like: 1101
> > and 1101 = 13 as a positive number (forget the sign bit)
> > 13 = 16 - 3
> >
> > so in general if we have n-bits computer, a negative integer number
> > b in 2 complement is 2**n + b (in postive representation).
> >
> > the above statement is intuitively true.
> > Comment anyone ???.
> >
> > PDP
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
End of VNSA-L Digest 260