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# Summary

📗 Wednesday lectures: 4:35 to 5:25, Zoom Link 
📗 Office hours: 4:35 to 5:25 daily, details see Link.
📗 Quiz (use your wisc ID to log in (without "@wisc.edu")): Socrative Link; regrade request form: Link (Select Q1 for Week 1 Quiz)
📗 Programming Homework: P1

# Lectures

📗 Blank slides: PDF
📗 Blank pages for quiz questions: PDF
📗 Slides with quiz questions: PDF
📗 Slides with quiz and annotated: PDF
📗 Note: my handwriting is really bad, you should copy down your notes during the lectures or from the lecture recordings instead of using these.

# Examples

📗 Script: m File, PDF

# Matrix Input

📗 MATLAB format:
(1) Use the "Copy" button (or select-all and copy the text in the text box),
(2) Paste it in MATLAB command window, run, and the matrix will be stored in the "ans" variable.

📗 Comma separated:
(1) Use the "Download" button (or select-all and copy the text in the text box, paste it in an empty text file), save it as, for example, "mat.txt",
(2) Put the text file in the working directory ("Current Folder"), and
(3) Use the command "load('mat.txt', '-ascii')" (or "readmatrix('mat.txt')"), run, and the matrix will be stored in the "ans" variable.
Reference: the "load" function Doc and the "readmatrix" function Doc.

# Matrix Output

📗 MATLAB command window:
(1) Select and copy the output without "ans =",
(2) Paste into the text box.
Example: "[1:10; 1:10]"

📗 Save to file:
(1) Use the command "save('mat.txt', 'ans', '-ascii')" (or "writematrix(ans, 'mat.txt')").
(2) Copy and paste of content of "mat.txt" into the text box (or use the "Upload" button next to the text box to upload the text file).
Example (using "save"): "[1:10; 1:10]"
Example (using "writematrix"): "[1:10; 1:10]"
Reference: the "save" function Doc and the "writematrix" function Doc.

📗 MATLAB format:
(1) Use the command "clipboard('copy', ans)" (or "mat2str(ans)" and copy the string inside '...', but without the quotation marks),
(2) Paste into the text box.
Example: "[1:10; 1:10]"
Reference: the "clipboard" function: Doc and the "mat2str" function: Doc.

Last Updated: October 23, 2024 at 2:28 AM