CS540 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

CS540, Summer 2024

Department of Computer Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Madison

# Schedule (Subject to Change)

Slides will be updated the week they are covered.

Date Topic Reading materials Assignments Due
May 20 Statistics and Math Review, Natural Language Processing and Naive Bayes W1 and RN23.1, 20.2 A1 Jun 3
May 27 - - - -
Jun 3 Linear Algebra Review, Principal Component Analysis, Clustering W3 and RN20.3, 21.7 A2 Jun 17
Jun 10 K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree W4 and RN19.3, 19.7 A3 Jul 1
Jun 17 Linear Regression, Logistic Regression W5 and RN16.9 A4 Jul 8
Jun 24 Neural Network, Gradient Descent, Support Vector Machine W6 and RN21.1, 21.2 - -
Jul 1 Computer Vision, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Network W7 and RN25.3, 21.3 A5 Jul 22
Jul 8 Midterm Exam W8 and RN24.2, 24.4 - -
Jul 15 Breadth and Depth First Search, Iterative Deepening Search W9 and RN3.3, 3.4 - -
Jul 22 Uniform Cost and Best First Greedy Search, A* Search W10 and RN3.5, 3.6 A6 Jul 29
Jul 29 Hill-Climbing and Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm W10 and RN4.1 A7 Aug 12
Aug 5 Markov Decision Process, Reinforcement Learning W11 and RN5.1, 5.2 - -
Aug 12 Game Theory, Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning W12 and RN22.2, 22.3 A8 Aug 12
Aug 19 Final Exam - - -

📗 The RNx in the "Reading materials" column is the chapter number from the RN textbook: Link.

Last Updated: August 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM