hmm Directory Reference


file [code]
file  discreteDST.h [code]
file [code]

This file contains the implementation of functions in discreteHMM.h.

file  discreteHMM.h [code]

This file contains functions of a discrete Hidden Markov Models (in C) and a wrapper class (in C++) for these functions.

file [code]

This file contains the implementation of functions in gaussianHMM.h.

file  gaussianHMM.h [code]

This file contains functions of a Gaussian Hidden Markov Models.

file [code]

This file contains the program to generate sequences from a Hidden Markov Model.

file [code]

This file contains the program to compute log-likelihood of sequences according to a Hidden Markov Model.

file [code]

This file contains the implementation of functions in mixgaussHMM.h.

file  mixgaussHMM.h [code]
file [code]

This file contains implementation of functions in mixtureDST.h.

file  mixtureDST.h [code]

This file contains the class represent a mixture of Gaussian distribution It maintains the priori cluster probabilities, means and covariance matrices of Gaussian cluters in the mixture.

file [code]
file  support.h [code]
file [code]

This file contains the program to estimate Hidden Markov Model parameter using training sequences.

file [code]

This file contains the program to compute the most probable state sequences in a Hidden Markov Model of given sequences Model.

Generated on Mon Jan 24 12:04:42 2011 for FASTlib by  doxygen 1.6.3