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# Lecture 10 Examples

📗 My handwriting is really bad, you should copy down your notes from the lecture videos instead of using these.
Lecture 10 Zoom Annotated (2021): Link
Lecture 10 Pre-recorded Annotated (from 2020, please use with caution): Link

# Q10 Quiz Instruction

📗 The quizzes must be completed during the lectures. Alternative ways to get the points are listed under "Grading Scheme" on the index page. No Canvas submissions are required. The grades will be updated at the end of the week on Canvas.

# Game Results

📗 Coordination game results:
C: Post 2 new questions if more than 75 percent of you choose C.
D: Post 3 new questions if more than 95 percent of you choose D.
The game is played 3 times:
Round 1: no communication.
Round 2: no communication, access to the result of round 1. (8 students switched from C to D)
Round 3: communication in chat allowed, access to the results of rounds 1 and 2. (5 more students switched from C to D)

# Bag of Characters (Words) Demo

📗 Training

Smoothing: , by line: , space first?

Unigram count: , probability:
Bigram count: , probability:
Unigram plot:

Bigram plot:

📗 Generation
Number of lines: , number of characters per line:
Unigram lines:
Bigram lines:

Last Updated: February 06, 2025 at 2:57 AM