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# Lecture 12 Examples

📗 My handwriting is really bad, you should copy down your notes from the lecture videos instead of using these.
Lecture 12 Zoom Annotated (2021): Link
Lecture 12 Pre-recorded Annotated (from 2020, please use with caution): Link

# Discussion Sessions

📗 The recorded videos of the session are on Canvas, the notes are not very useful but here they are anyways,
Week 3 Discussion Notes: Link

# Sharing Solutions on Piazza

📗 Use the sign-up sheet: Google Sheet
📗 You can sign up and post anonymously (anonymous Piazza posts are not anonymous to instructors).
📗 You must post before the official deadline of the homework and your post must include: (1) a copy or a screenshot of your version of the question and (2) detailed solution and explanation to how you come up with the solution.
📗 Each good post will receive 0.25 points. Incorrect solutions and/or solutions without explanations will receive no points.

# Q12 Discussion Topic

📗 Please create a follow-up discussion post on the Piazza (it is okay to post anonymously). No Canvas submissions are required. The grades will be updated at the end of the week on Canvas.
📗 The official deadline is July 11: if you post after this deadline, your Quiz grade on Canvas will not be updated until the midterm or the final exam. You can post and earn the points until July 18.
📗 Find two visualizations of the same dataset that tell different stories (or lead to different conclusions) about the dataset. The images should be visualizations of datasets, not diagrams or photos. Share the images on Piazza and briefly explain the stories told by each visualization: Link.
📗 One or both of the images can be visualizations you made (by hand or using a statistical software) or found on the Internet, you should explain in the post where you got the images from.
📗 You can read about misleading data visualizations (i.e. visualizations that lead people to a story that you don't agree with), for example: LinkLink, Link, or Link.


Image via imgur

# Hidden Markov Model Demo

Number of input units:
Number of hidden units:
Number of output units:

# Recurrent Neural Network Demo

Number of input units:
Number of hidden units:
Number of output units:

Last Updated: January 20, 2025 at 3:12 AM