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(1) Play Tic Tac Toe to get an idea of the rule of the game.
(2) Given the initial move (by the opponent) based on your ID. Solve for the set of all solutions assuming the opponent always use the optimal strategy.
Type in your ID: Start with an X in position:
📗 Files to submit
(1) output.txt contains lines with numbers between 0 and 8 (row one = 0, 1, 2, row two = 3, 4, 5, row three = 6, 7, 8). No commas in between. Each line contains a valid sequence of states consistent with the value of the game. Include actions of both players including the initial position of X. For example, if your initial state is an X in position 0, one possible sequence is 0612487.
(2) comments.txt contains information on how to run your program, in particular, the names of the data files are required.
(3) code.
📗 Things to try
(1) Try to use Alpha Beta pruning instead of going through all subgames.
(1) Java: Link written by Ainur
(2) Python: Link written by Tan
Important note: You are not allowed to copy any code from the solution. The deadline for resubmission without 50 percent penalty is August 18.