Computer Sciences Dept.

Mark D. Hill

Gene M. Amdahl & John P. Morgridge
Professor Emeritus of Computer Sciences

2024 Photo of Mark D. Hill


Over the years, I have been prone to offering advice that some have found useful. Here are some highlights in reverse chronological order.

  1. A win-win dialectic

    Academic-Industrial Synergy: Stories, Pitfalls, & Advice,
    Mark D. Hill
    Keynote @ Google Computer Architecture & Deep Learning Workshop, August 2020.
    Talk Slides: pptx and pdf

  2. On stepping up to do visioning

    Computer Architecture Today: A Vision of Computer Architecture Visioning, May 26, 2020.

  3. On being a graduate student

    Ph.D. Student Advice from a 1980s Ph.D. Student,
    Mark D. Hill
    The Young Architect Workshop (YArch) (for new grad students), delivered virtually in March 2020.
    Talk Slides: pptx
    Talk Video: YouTube

  4. Part of being a new faculty member

    Mentoring and Managing Graduate Students,
    Mark D. Hill
    CRA Mentoring Workshop (for new faculty), February 2020.
    Talk Slides: pptx

  5. Shorter version of Eckert-Mauchly advice on conducting research

    Computer Architecture Today: Increasing Your Research Impact, August 12, 2019.

  6. Includes advice on doing research

    Reflections and Research Advice Upon Receiving the 2019 Eckert-Mauchly Award,
    Mark D. Hill
    IEEE Micro, September/October 2019.
    Paper: pdf
    Abridged SIGARCH Blog: html
    Abridged Communication of the China Computer Federation in Chinese: html

  7. Many have used this advice

    Mark D. Hill, Tips for Authoring Grant Proposals, July 2009

  8. Beyond your career

    Mark D. Hill, Some Life Lessons from Squash and Tennis, October 2008.

  9. Timeless referee advice

    Mark D. Hill, Charge to the Referees of ISCA 2005 (and good advice for referees in general). December 2004.

  10. Good advice from when technical program committess were smaller

    Mark D. Hill, Some Advice for Program Committee Chairs Based on my ISCA 2005 Experience. December 2004.

  11. Pertinent and still funny

    Mark D. Hill, Ten Commandments for Poor Technology Transfer, February 2004.

  12. Pertinent and still funny also

    Mark D. Hill and David Wood, Conference Etiquette, May 1997.

  13. My most linked-to advice

    Mark D. Hill, Oral Presentation Advice, including David Patterson's How to Give a Bad Talk, April 1992, revised January 1997.

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