Mark D. Hill
Gene M. Amdahl & John P. Morgridge
Professor Emeritus of Computer Sciences
Academic Ancestors
1000 years of academic ancestors include Copernicus, Erasmus, Leibniz, and two saints:
Link at
Mathematics Genealogy Project (ID 82202)
Wisconsin Wisconsin Computer Architecture Affiliates (11/2016)

Mark Hill with current students Swapnil Haria & Jason Lowe-Power
and former students Milo Martin, Derek Hower, Arka Basu, & Luke Yen.
Lena Olson and Mike Marty also attended but are not pictured.
for higher-resolution image.
25 Years at Wisconsin (2/2013)

With Several Ph.D. Graduates at Celebration of
Mark Hill's 25 Years at Wisconsin:
Sarita Adve,
Min Xu,
Madhu Talluri,
Milo Martin
Mark Hill,
Mike Marty,
Shubu Mukherjee,
and Jayram Bobba.
Mark's new jacket reads: 25 Years of Cache Hits.
(Over 40 Ph.D.'s and counting!)
Richard E. Kessler,
Ph.D. July 1991,
Analysis of Multi-Megabyte Secondary CPU Cache Memories
first employment: Cray Research.
Sarita V. Adve,
Ph.D. November 1993,
Designing Memory Consistency Models for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
first employment: Rice University.
- Vijay S. Pai, Rice 2000, first employment: Rice
- Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Rice 2000, first employment: Compaq
- Christopher J. Hughes, Illinois 2003, first employment: Intel
- Ruchira Sasanka, Illinois 2005, first employment: Intel
- Jayanth Srinivasan, Illinois 2006, first employment: McKinsey
- Xiaodong (Jerry) Li, Illinois 2008, first employment: Deutsche Bank
- Man-Lap (Alex) Li, Illinois 2009, first employment: George Washington University
- Pradeep Ramachandran, Illinois 2011, first employment: Intel
- Siva Kumar Sastry Hari, Illinois 2013, first employment: Nvidia
- Rakesh Komuravelli, Illinois 2014, first employment: Qualcomm
- Hyojin Sung, Illinois 2015, first employment: IBM Research
- Matthew Sinclair, Illinois 2017, first employment: University of Wisconsin-Madison
- John Alsop, Illinois 2018, first employment: AMD Research
Madhusudhan (Madhu) Talluri,
Ph.D. August 1995,
Use of Superpages and Subblocking in the Address Translation Hierarchy
first employment: Sun Microsystems.
Ioannis (Yannis) Schoinas,
Ph.D. 1998,
Fine Grain Distributed Shared Memory Systems on Clusters of Workstations
first employment: Intel Corporation.
Shubhendu (Shubu) Mukherjee,
Ph.D. May 1998,
Design and Evaluation of Network Interfaces for System Area Networks
first employment: Digital Equipment Corporation.
- Mithuna Thottethodi, Duke 2002 (co-advisor Alvin Lebeck), first employment: Purdue
Trishul Chilimbi,
Ph.D. August 1999,
Cache-Conscious Data Structures--Design and Implementation
first employment: Microsoft Corporation
(co-advisor with James R. Larus).
Eric Schnarr,
Ph.D. December 2000,
Applying Programming Language Implementation Techniques
to Processor Simulation
first employment: Hypercosm Corporation
(co-advisor with James R. Larus).
Anastasia (Natassa) Ailamaki,
Ph.D. December 2000,
Architecture-Conscious Database Systems
first employment: Carnegie-Mellon University
(co-advisor with David DeWitt).
- Stavros Harizopoulos, CMU 2006, first employment: MIT postdoc
- Mengzhi Wang, CMU 2006, first employment: Google
- Chistopher B. Colohan, CMU 2006 (co-advisor Todd Mowry), first employment: Google
- Shimin Chen, CMU 2006 (co-advisor Todd Mowry), first employment: Intel
- Minglong Shao, CMU 2007, first employment: Netapp
- Stratos Papadomanolakis, CMU 2007, first employment: Oracle
- Nikolaos Hardavellas (co-advisor Babak Falsafi), CMU 2009, first employment: Northwestern University
- Ryan Johnson, CMU 2011, first employment: University of Toronto
- Debabrata Dash, CMU 2011, first employment: HP Labs
- Ippokratis Pandis, CMU 2011, first employment: IBM Almaden
- Manos Athanassoulis, EPFL 2013, first employment: Harvard University PostDoc
- Radu Stoica, EPFL 2014, first employment: IBM
- Farhan Tauheed, EPFL 2014, first employment: Oracle
- Pinar Tozun, EPFL 2014, first employment: IBM Almaden
- Ioannis Alagiannis, EPFL 2015, first employment: Microsoft Research
- Adrian Popescu, EPFL 2015, first employment: Unravel Data
- Danica Porobic, EPFL 2016, first employment: Oracle
- Renata Borovica-Gajic, EPFL 2016, first employment: University of Melbourne
- Iraklis Psaroudakis, EPFL 2016, first employment: Oracle
- Manos Karpathiotakis, EPFL 2018, first employment: Facebook
- Mirjana Pavlovic, EPFL 2019, first employment: Sqooba
- Eleni Tzirita-Zacharatou, EPFL 2019, first employment: TUB PostDoc
- Matthaios-Alexandros Olma, EPFL 2019, first employment: Microsoft Research
- Georgios Psaropoulos, EPFL 2019, first employment: Oracle
Milo Martin,
Ph.D. December 2003,
Token Coherence
first employment: University of Pennsylvania.
- Sebastian Burckhardt, Penn 2007 (co-advisor Rajeev Alur), first employment: Microsoft Research
- Colin Blundell, Penn 2010, first employment: IBM Research
- Santosh Nagarakatte, Penn 2012, first employment: Rutgers University
- Arun Raghavan, Penn 2013, first employment: Oracle Labs
Min Xu,
Ph.D. May 2006,
Race Recording for Multithreaded Deterministic Replay using Multiprocessor Hardware,
first employment: VMware
(co-advisor with Rastislav Bodik).
Brian Fields,
Ph.D., U.C. Berkeley, December 2006,
Using Criticality to Attack Performance Bottlenecks
first employment: NVIDIA
(co-advisor with Rastislav Bodik).
Michael R. Marty,
Ph.D. January 2008,
Cache Coherence Techniques for Multicore Processors
first employment: Google.
Luke Yen,
Ph.D. February 2009,
Signatures in Transactional Memory Systems
first employment: AMD.
Jayaram Bobba ,
Ph.D. February 2010,
Hardware Support for Efficient Transactional and Supervised Memory Systems
first employment: Intel.
Derek R. Hower,
Ph.D. July 2012,
Acoherent Shared Memory
first employment: AMD.
Arkaprava (Arka) Basu,
Ph.D. December 2013,
Revisiting Virtual Memory
first employment: AMD
(co-advisor with Michael Swift).
Lena E. Olson,
Ph.D. August 2016,
Protecting Host Systems from Imperfect Hardware Accelerators
first employment: Google
Jayneel Gandhi,
Ph.D. August 2016,
Efficient Memory Virtualization
first employment: VMware
(co-advisor with Michael Swift).
Jason Lowe-Power,
Ph.D. August 2017,
On Heterogeneous Compute and Memory Systems
first employment: University of California-Davis
(co-advisor with David Wood).
Swapnil Haria,
Ph.D. August 2019,
Architecture and Software Support for Persistent and Vast Memory
first employment: Google
(co-advisor with Michael Swift).
Four Generations of Computer Architects

At ISCA 2008 Awards Luncheon (Beijing, China),
David Patterson (receiving Eckhart-Mauchly Award) who co-advised
Mark Hill who advised
Sarita Adve (receiving Maurice Wilkes Award) who advised
Partha Ranganathan.
Milo Martin and Mark Hill with ENIAC (2006)
