37 #include "debug/RubyNetwork.hh"
68 DPRINTF(RubyNetwork,
"Router %d OutputUnit %d decrementing credit for "
69 "outvc %d at time: %lld\n",
78 DPRINTF(RubyNetwork,
"Router %d OutputUnit %d incrementing credit for "
79 "outvc %d at time: %lld\n",
void set_out_link(NetworkLink *link)
void decrement_credit(int out_vc)
CreditLink * m_credit_link
flitBuffer * getOutQueue()
Cycles curCycle() const
Determine the current cycle, corresponding to a tick aligned to a clock edge.
bool has_credit(int out_vc)
std::string PortDirection
GarnetNetwork * get_net_ptr()
PortDirection m_direction
void deletePointers(C< T, A > &container)
A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in the memory system (e...
void set_credit_link(CreditLink *credit_link)
bool has_free_vc(int vnet)
bool isReady(Cycles curTime)
void increment_credit(int out_vc)
flitBuffer * m_out_buffer
OutputUnit(int id, PortDirection direction, Router *router)
bool is_vc_idle(int vc, Cycles curTime)
uint32_t functionalWrite(Packet *pkt)
std::vector< OutVcState * > m_outvc_state
void set_vc_state(VC_state_type state, int vc, Cycles curTime)
int select_free_vc(int vnet)
uint32_t functionalWrite(Packet *pkt)