void ccprintf(cp::Print &print)
void printMnemonic(std::ostream &os, const std::string &suffix="", bool withPred=true, bool withCond64=false, ConditionCode cond64=COND_UC) const
void printReg(std::ostream &os, int reg) const
Print a register name for disassembly given the unique dependence tag number (FP or int)...
std::string generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const
Internal function to generate disassembly string.
const ExtMachInst machInst
The binary machine instruction.
std::string csprintf(const char *format, const Args &...args)
uint64_t Addr
Address type This will probably be moved somewhere else in the near future.
std::string generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const
Internal function to generate disassembly string.
std::string generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const
Internal function to generate disassembly string.