A cache slave port is used for the CPU-side port of the cache, and it is basically a simple timing port that uses a transmit list for responses to the CPU (or connected master).
void | setBlocked () |
| Do not accept any new requests. More...
void | clearBlocked () |
| Return to normal operation and accept new requests. More...
bool | isBlocked () const |
| QueuedSlavePort (const std::string &name, MemObject *owner, RespPacketQueue &resp_queue, PortID id=InvalidPortID) |
| Create a QueuedPort with a given name, owner, and a supplied implementation of a packet queue. More...
virtual | ~QueuedSlavePort () |
void | schedTimingResp (PacketPtr pkt, Tick when, bool force_order=false) |
| Schedule the sending of a timing response. More...
bool | checkFunctional (PacketPtr pkt) |
| Check the list of buffered packets against the supplied functional request. More...
| SlavePort (const std::string &name, MemObject *owner, PortID id=InvalidPortID) |
| Slave port. More...
virtual | ~SlavePort () |
Tick | sendAtomicSnoop (PacketPtr pkt) |
| Send an atomic snoop request packet, where the data is moved and the state is updated in zero time, without interleaving with other memory accesses. More...
void | sendFunctionalSnoop (PacketPtr pkt) |
| Send a functional snoop request packet, where the data is instantly updated everywhere in the memory system, without affecting the current state of any block or moving the block. More...
bool | sendTimingResp (PacketPtr pkt) |
| Attempt to send a timing response to the master port by calling its corresponding receive function. More...
void | sendTimingSnoopReq (PacketPtr pkt) |
| Attempt to send a timing snoop request packet to the master port by calling its corresponding receive function. More...
void | sendRetryReq () |
| Send a retry to the master port that previously attempted a sendTimingReq to this slave port and failed. More...
void | sendRetrySnoopResp () |
| Send a retry to the master port that previously attempted a sendTimingSnoopResp to this slave port and failed. More...
bool | isSnooping () const |
| Find out if the peer master port is snooping or not. More...
void | sendRangeChange () const |
| Called by the owner to send a range change. More...
virtual AddrRangeList | getAddrRanges () const =0 |
| Get a list of the non-overlapping address ranges the owner is responsible for. More...
BaseMasterPort & | getMasterPort () const |
bool | isConnected () const |
const std::string | name () const |
| Return port name (for DPRINTF). More...
PortID | getId () const |
| Get the port id. More...
A cache slave port is used for the CPU-side port of the cache, and it is basically a simple timing port that uses a transmit list for responses to the CPU (or connected master).
In addition, it has the functionality to block the port for incoming requests. If blocked, the port will issue a retry once unblocked.
Definition at line 151 of file base.hh.