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AlphaSystem Class Reference

#include <system.hh>

Inheritance diagram for AlphaSystem:
System MemObject ClockedObject SimObject Clocked EventManager Serializable Drainable FreebsdAlphaSystem LinuxAlphaSystem

Public Types

typedef AlphaSystemParams Params
- Public Types inherited from System
typedef SystemParams Params
- Public Types inherited from MemObject
typedef MemObjectParams Params
- Public Types inherited from ClockedObject
typedef ClockedObjectParams Params
 Parameters of ClockedObject. More...
- Public Types inherited from SimObject
typedef SimObjectParams Params

Public Member Functions

 AlphaSystem (Params *p)
 ~AlphaSystem ()
void initState () override
 Initialise the state of the system. More...
void serializeSymtab (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialization stuff. More...
void unserializeSymtab (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 If needed, unserialize additional symbol table entries for a specific subclass of this system. More...
void startup () override
 Override startup() to provide a path to call setupFuncEvents() More...
void setAlphaAccess (Addr access)
 Set the m5AlphaAccess pointer in the console. More...
void setIntrFreq (Tick freq)
- Public Member Functions inherited from System
void init () override
 After all objects have been created and all ports are connected, check that the system port is connected. More...
MasterPortgetSystemPort ()
 Get a reference to the system port that can be used by non-structural simulation objects like processes or threads, or external entities like loaders and debuggers, etc, to access the memory system. More...
BaseMasterPortgetMasterPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Additional function to return the Port of a memory object. More...
unsigned int cacheLineSize () const
 Get the cache line size of the system. More...
ThreadContextgetThreadContext (ContextID tid)
int numContexts ()
int numRunningContexts ()
 Return number of running (non-halted) thread contexts in system. More...
KvmVMgetKvmVM ()
 Get a pointer to the Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) SimObject, if present. More...
PhysicalMemorygetPhysMem ()
 Get a pointer to access the physical memory of the system. More...
Addr freeMemSize () const
 Amount of physical memory that is still free. More...
Addr memSize () const
 Amount of physical memory that exists. More...
bool isMemAddr (Addr addr) const
 Check if a physical address is within a range of a memory that is part of the global address map. More...
Arch getArch () const
 Get the architecture. More...
Addr getPageBytes () const
 Get the page bytes for the ISA. More...
Addr getPageShift () const
 Get the number of bits worth of in-page address for the ISA. More...
ThermalModelgetThermalModel () const
 The thermal model used for this system (if any). More...
MasterID getMasterId (std::string req_name)
 Request an id used to create a request object in the system. More...
std::string getMasterName (MasterID master_id)
 Get the name of an object for a given request id. More...
MasterID maxMasters ()
 Get the number of masters registered in the system. More...
void regStats () override
 Register statistics for this object. More...
uint64_t incWorkItemsBegin ()
 Called by pseudo_inst to track the number of work items started by this system. More...
uint64_t incWorkItemsEnd ()
 Called by pseudo_inst to track the number of work items completed by this system. More...
int markWorkItem (int index)
 Called by pseudo_inst to mark the cpus actively executing work items. More...
void workItemBegin (uint32_t tid, uint32_t workid)
void workItemEnd (uint32_t tid, uint32_t workid)
bool breakpoint ()
 System (Params *p)
 ~System ()
void initState () override
 initState() is called on each SimObject when not restoring from a checkpoint. More...
const Paramsparams () const
Addr getKernelStart () const
 Returns the address the kernel starts at. More...
Addr getKernelEnd () const
 Returns the address the kernel ends at. More...
Addr getKernelEntry () const
 Returns the address the entry point to the kernel code. More...
Addr allocPhysPages (int npages)
 Allocate npages contiguous unused physical pages. More...
ContextID registerThreadContext (ThreadContext *tc, ContextID assigned=InvalidContextID)
void replaceThreadContext (ThreadContext *tc, ContextID context_id)
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object. More...
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object. More...
void drainResume () override
 Resume execution after a successful drain. More...
bool isAtomicMode () const
 Is the system in atomic mode? More...
bool isTimingMode () const
 Is the system in timing mode? More...
bool bypassCaches () const
 Should caches be bypassed? More...
Enums::MemoryMode getMemoryMode () const
 Get the memory mode of the system. More...
void setMemoryMode (Enums::MemoryMode mode)
 Change the memory mode of the system. More...
template<class T , typename... Args>
T * addFuncEvent (const SymbolTable *symtab, const char *lbl, const std::string &desc, Args...args)
 Add a function-based event to the given function, to be looked up in the specified symbol table. More...
template<class T >
T * addFuncEvent (const SymbolTable *symtab, const char *lbl)
template<class T , typename... Args>
T * addFuncEventOrPanic (const SymbolTable *symtab, const char *lbl, Args...args)
template<class T , typename... Args>
T * addKernelFuncEvent (const char *lbl, Args...args)
 Add a function-based event to a kernel symbol. More...
template<class T , typename... Args>
T * addKernelFuncEventOrPanic (const char *lbl, Args...args)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MemObject
const Paramsparams () const
 MemObject (const Params *params)
virtual BaseSlavePortgetSlavePort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID)
 Get a slave port with a given name and index. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ClockedObject
 ClockedObject (const ClockedObjectParams *p)
const Paramsparams () const
Enums::PwrState pwrState () const
std::string pwrStateName () const
std::vector< double > pwrStateWeights () const
 Returns the percentage residency for each power state. More...
void computeStats ()
 Record stats values like state residency by computing the time difference from previous update. More...
void pwrState (Enums::PwrState)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SimObject
const Paramsparams () const
 SimObject (const Params *_params)
virtual ~SimObject ()
virtual const std::string name () const
virtual void loadState (CheckpointIn &cp)
 loadState() is called on each SimObject when restoring from a checkpoint. More...
virtual void resetStats ()
 Reset statistics associated with this object. More...
virtual void regProbePoints ()
 Register probe points for this object. More...
virtual void regProbeListeners ()
 Register probe listeners for this object. More...
ProbeManagergetProbeManager ()
 Get the probe manager for this object. More...
DrainState drain () override
 Provide a default implementation of the drain interface for objects that don't need draining. More...
virtual void memWriteback ()
 Write back dirty buffers to memory using functional writes. More...
virtual void memInvalidate ()
 Invalidate the contents of memory buffers. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from EventManager
 EventManager (EventManager &em)
 EventManager (EventManager *em)
 EventManager (EventQueue *eq)
EventQueueeventQueue () const
void schedule (Event &event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event &event)
void reschedule (Event &event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void schedule (Event *event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event *event)
void reschedule (Event *event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void wakeupEventQueue (Tick when=(Tick)-1)
void setCurTick (Tick newVal)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Serializable
 Serializable ()
virtual ~Serializable ()
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const char *name) const
 Serialize an object into a new section. More...
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const std::string &name) const
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const char *name)
 Unserialize an a child object. More...
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const std::string &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Drainable
DrainState drainState () const
 Return the current drain state of an object. More...
virtual void notifyFork ()
 Notify a child process of a fork. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Clocked
void updateClockPeriod () const
 Update the tick to the current tick. More...
Tick clockEdge (Cycles cycles=Cycles(0)) const
 Determine the tick when a cycle begins, by default the current one, but the argument also enables the caller to determine a future cycle. More...
Cycles curCycle () const
 Determine the current cycle, corresponding to a tick aligned to a clock edge. More...
Tick nextCycle () const
 Based on the clock of the object, determine the start tick of the first cycle that is at least one cycle in the future. More...
uint64_t frequency () const
Tick clockPeriod () const
double voltage () const
Cycles ticksToCycles (Tick t) const
Tick cyclesToTicks (Cycles c) const

Public Attributes

 console symbol table More...
 pal symbol table More...
 Object pointer for the console code. More...
 Object pointer for the PAL code. More...
 Event to halt the simulator if the console calls panic() More...
- Public Attributes inherited from System
std::vector< ThreadContext * > threadContexts
int _numContexts
const bool multiThread
Addr pagePtr
uint64_t init_param
PortProxy physProxy
 Port to physical memory used for writing object files into ram at boot. More...
 kernel symbol table More...
 Object pointer for the kernel code. More...
Addr kernelStart
 Beginning of kernel code. More...
Addr kernelEnd
 End of kernel code. More...
Addr kernelEntry
 Entry point in the kernel to start at. More...
Addr loadAddrMask
 Mask that should be anded for binary/symbol loading. More...
Addr loadAddrOffset
 Offset that should be used for binary/symbol loading. More...
std::vector< BaseRemoteGDB * > remoteGDB
std::vector< GDBListener * > gdbListen
Counter totalNumInsts
EventQueue instEventQueue
std::map< std::pair< uint32_t,
uint32_t >, Tick
std::map< uint32_t,
Stats::Histogram * > 
FutexMap futexMap
std::set< int > PIDs
 Process set to track which PIDs have already been allocated. More...
std::list< BasicSignalsignalList

Protected Member Functions

const Paramsparams () const
virtual void setupFuncEvents ()
 Setup all the function events. More...
template<class T >
T * addPalFuncEvent (const char *lbl)
 Add a function-based event to PALcode. More...
template<class T >
T * addConsoleFuncEvent (const char *lbl)
 Add a function-based event to the console code. More...
Addr fixFuncEventAddr (Addr addr) override
 This function fixes up addresses that are used to match PCs for hooking simulator events on to target function executions. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Drainable
 Drainable ()
virtual ~Drainable ()
void signalDrainDone () const
 Signal that an object is drained. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Clocked
 Clocked (ClockDomain &clk_domain)
 Create a clocked object and set the clock domain based on the parameters. More...
 Clocked (Clocked &)=delete
Clockedoperator= (Clocked &)=delete
virtual ~Clocked ()
 Virtual destructor due to inheritance. More...
void resetClock () const
 Reset the object's clock using the current global tick value. More...

Protected Attributes

Tick intrFreq
FSTranslatingPortProxy virtProxy
 Proxy used to copy arguments directly into kernel memory. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from System
KvmVM *const kvmVM
PhysicalMemory physmem
Enums::MemoryMode memoryMode
const unsigned int _cacheLineSize
uint64_t workItemsBegin
uint64_t workItemsEnd
uint32_t numWorkIds
std::vector< bool > activeCpus
std::vector< std::string > masterIds
 This array is a per-system list of all devices capable of issuing a memory system request and an associated string for each master id. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ClockedObject
Enums::PwrState _currPwrState
 To keep track of the current power state. More...
Tick prvEvalTick
Stats::Scalar numPwrStateTransitions
Stats::Distribution pwrStateClkGateDist
Stats::Vector pwrStateResidencyTicks
- Protected Attributes inherited from SimObject
const SimObjectParams * _params
 Cached copy of the object parameters. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from EventManager
 A pointer to this object's event queue. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from System
static void printSystems ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SimObject
static void serializeAll (CheckpointOut &cp)
 Serialize all SimObjects in the system. More...
static SimObjectfind (const char *name)
 Find the SimObject with the given name and return a pointer to it. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Serializable
static const std::string & currentSection ()
 Get the fully-qualified name of the active section. More...
static void serializeAll (const std::string &cpt_dir)
static void unserializeGlobals (CheckpointIn &cp)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from System
static std::vector< System * > systemList
static int numSystemsRunning = 0
static const int maxPID = 32768
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Serializable
static int ckptCount = 0
static int ckptMaxCount = 0
static int ckptPrevCount = -1

Detailed Description

Definition at line 46 of file system.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef AlphaSystemParams AlphaSystem::Params

Definition at line 49 of file system.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlphaSystem::AlphaSystem ( Params p)

Load the pal, and console code into memory

Definition at line 48 of file

References console, consoleSymtab, createObjectFile(), debugSymbolTable, fatal, ObjectFile::loadGlobalSymbols(), ObjectFile::loadLocalSymbols(), pal, palSymtab, panic, and params().

AlphaSystem::~AlphaSystem ( )

Definition at line 90 of file

References console, consolePanicEvent, consoleSymtab, and pal.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T >
T* AlphaSystem::addConsoleFuncEvent ( const char *  lbl)

Add a function-based event to the console code.

Definition at line 119 of file system.hh.

References consoleSymtab.

template<class T >
T* AlphaSystem::addPalFuncEvent ( const char *  lbl)

Add a function-based event to PALcode.

Definition at line 111 of file system.hh.

References palSymtab.

Addr AlphaSystem::fixFuncEventAddr ( Addr  addr)

This function fixes up addresses that are used to match PCs for hooking simulator events on to target function executions.

Alpha binaries may have multiple global offset table (GOT) sections. A function that uses the GOT starts with a two-instruction prolog which sets the global pointer (gp == r29) to the appropriate GOT section. The proper gp value is calculated based on the function address, which must be passed by the caller in the procedure value register (pv aka t12 == r27). This sequence looks like the following:

                 opcode Ra Rb offset
 ldah gp,X(pv)     09   29 27   X
 lda  gp,Y(gp)     08   29 29   Y

for some constant offsets X and Y. The catch is that the linker (or maybe even the compiler, I'm not sure) may recognize that the caller and callee are using the same GOT section, making this prolog redundant, and modify the call target to skip these instructions. If we check for execution of the first instruction of a function (the one the symbol points to) to detect when to skip it, we'll miss all these modified calls. It might work to unconditionally check for the third instruction, but not all functions have this prolog, and there's some chance that those first two instructions could have undesired consequences. So we do the Right Thing and pattern-match the first two instructions of the function to decide where to patch.

Eventually this code should be moved into an ISA-specific file.

Reimplemented from System.

Definition at line 188 of file

References addr, DPRINTF, PortProxy::read(), and virtProxy.

void AlphaSystem::initState ( )

Initialise the state of the system.

Copy the osflags (kernel arguments) into the consoles memory. (Presently Linux does not use the console service routine to get these command line arguments, but Tru64 and others do.)

Set the hardware reset parameter block system type and revision information to Tsunami.

Reimplemented from SimObject.

Definition at line 101 of file

References addr, console, consoleSymtab, data, SymbolTable::findAddress(), BigEndianGuest::htog(), System::initState(), System::loadAddrMask, ObjectFile::loadSections(), pal, panic, params(), System::physProxy, virtProxy, PortProxy::write(), and FSTranslatingPortProxy::writeBlob().

Referenced by LinuxAlphaSystem::initState().

const Params* AlphaSystem::params ( ) const

Definition at line 100 of file system.hh.

References System::_params.

Referenced by AlphaSystem(), and initState().

void AlphaSystem::serializeSymtab ( CheckpointOut cp) const

Serialization stuff.

Reimplemented from System.

Definition at line 222 of file

References consoleSymtab, palSymtab, and SymbolTable::serialize().

void AlphaSystem::setAlphaAccess ( Addr  access)

Set the m5AlphaAccess pointer in the console.

Definition at line 211 of file

References addr, consoleSymtab, SymbolTable::findAddress(), BigEndianGuest::htog(), panic, AlphaISA::Phys2K0Seg(), virtProxy, and PortProxy::write().

Referenced by AlphaBackdoor::startup().

void AlphaSystem::setIntrFreq ( Tick  freq)

Definition at line 127 of file system.hh.

References intrFreq.

Referenced by Tsunami::init().

void AlphaSystem::setupFuncEvents ( )

Setup all the function events.

Must be done after init() for Alpha since fixFuncEvent() requires a function port

Reimplemented in LinuxAlphaSystem.

Definition at line 149 of file

References consolePanicEvent.

Referenced by LinuxAlphaSystem::setupFuncEvents(), and startup().

void AlphaSystem::startup ( )

Override startup() to provide a path to call setupFuncEvents()

Reimplemented from SimObject.

Definition at line 141 of file

References setupFuncEvents().

void AlphaSystem::unserializeSymtab ( CheckpointIn cp)

If needed, unserialize additional symbol table entries for a specific subclass of this system.

cpcheckpoint to unserialize from
sectionrelevant section in the checkpoint

Reimplemented from System.

Definition at line 229 of file

References consoleSymtab, palSymtab, and SymbolTable::unserialize().

Member Data Documentation

ObjectFile* AlphaSystem::console

Object pointer for the console code.

Definition at line 82 of file system.hh.

Referenced by AlphaSystem(), initState(), and ~AlphaSystem().

BreakPCEvent* AlphaSystem::consolePanicEvent

Event to halt the simulator if the console calls panic()

Definition at line 89 of file system.hh.

Referenced by setupFuncEvents(), and ~AlphaSystem().

SymbolTable* AlphaSystem::consoleSymtab

console symbol table

Definition at line 76 of file system.hh.

Referenced by addConsoleFuncEvent(), AlphaSystem(), initState(), serializeSymtab(), setAlphaAccess(), unserializeSymtab(), and ~AlphaSystem().

Tick AlphaSystem::intrFreq

Definition at line 93 of file system.hh.

Referenced by LinuxAlphaSystem::setDelayLoop(), and setIntrFreq().

ObjectFile* AlphaSystem::pal

Object pointer for the PAL code.

Definition at line 85 of file system.hh.

Referenced by AlphaSystem(), initState(), and ~AlphaSystem().

SymbolTable* AlphaSystem::palSymtab

pal symbol table

Definition at line 79 of file system.hh.

Referenced by addPalFuncEvent(), AlphaSystem(), serializeSymtab(), and unserializeSymtab().

FSTranslatingPortProxy AlphaSystem::virtProxy

Proxy used to copy arguments directly into kernel memory.

Definition at line 98 of file system.hh.

Referenced by FreebsdAlphaSystem::doCalibrateClocks(), fixFuncEventAddr(), initState(), LinuxAlphaSystem::initState(), and setAlphaAccess().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Fri Jun 9 2017 13:04:00 for gem5 by doxygen 1.8.6