Lectures: Tue/Thu 1:00pm - 2:15pm @ 301 Educational Sciences
Instructor: Xiangyao Yu
Office Hours: Tue 2:30pm - 3:30pm @ CS 4385
Class Mailing List: compsci839-5-s20@lists.wisc.edu
Database systems are undergoing major changes due to new hardware, system architecture, and applications. It is an exciting time to revisit traditional wisdoms of database design with new system-level challenges and opportunities. In this seminar class, we will cover recent developments of databases through a mix of lectures and paper discussions. We will cover both hardware and software aspects. Topics include:
Course projects: The course features an open-ended, research-oriented project. Students work in groups of size 2-4. It is encouraged to pick topics related to your existing research. A list of potential projects will also be provided. The project includes a proposal, a final report, and an in-class presentation. It is encouraged to continue working on a successful project afterwards and submit a research paper to a top-tier database conference (e.g., SIGMOD or VLDB). This is a great opportunity to explore PhD research topics in both database systems and computer architecture.
Project deadlines:
Computation resources:
Instructions for online lectures: Starting from March 12, all lectures are moved online to canvas.wisc.edu -> Courses -> SP20 COMPSCI 839 005 -> BBCollaborate Ultra. A session can be joined 15 min before the lecture and ends 15 min after the lecture. Office hours will be held online using the same software; separate sessions will be created for office hours.
Final presentation format: Course project presentations happen on April 28 and 30. Each team has a 10 min slot (8 min presentation + 2 min Q&A). Please sign up following the link that was sent to the class mailing list.The class is mostly self-contained. Background knowledge in databases (CS 564) and computer architecture (CS/ECE 552) is desired. Advanced knowledge in databases (CS 764) and computer architecture (CS 752/757) is not required.